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Re: [LinkSec] LinkSec Security Issues & 802.10

Dan writes:

  1. All the participants in the LinkSec effort are aware about the  
urgency of providing a solution of the EPON problems. While there
  seems to be some convergence on the need to bring amendments and  
extensions to SDE, it is not clear that this solves all the
  problems of security in EPON.
  2. There is a practical aspect in avoiding effort duplication. With  
LinkSec chartered and runing, it will be difficult for many    
participants to
 attend both LinkSec and a re-newed 802.10. After all, you guys (802.10 
participants) had a hard time sending representatives to the
 first few LinkSec SG meetings, though nobody probably questions your 
interest in IEEE 802 security.

To be fair, both Ken and Russ had obligations elsewhere (802.11i) this
  time.  Our primary "customer" EPON was also underwhelmingly
  represented in meetings this week.

Further, it's entirely-likely that whatever underlying security
  transform we come up with will look very similar to 802.10 SDE.
  It would seem silly to spend a lot of time essentially re-creating
  802.10 SDE (perhaps with some new fields) simply to avoid
  re-visiting it.

The very substantial work ahead of Linksec is in the area of
  key-management, authentication, and key-transport/distribution.
  Those parts of 802.10 are very clearly in need of substantial
  work/replacement.  Other major areas of work would be
  describing which pieces of the MAC control functions need to
  be protected, which pieces don't need to be protected, and which
  pieces *can't* be protected (because of nasty egg/chicken problems).