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[LinkSec] Fwd: Forwarding of P802a to RevCom


Date: Thu, 10 Apr 2003 11:39:08 +0100
From: Tony Jeffree <>
Subject: Forwarding of P802a to RevCom

The results of the Sponsor recirculation ballot on P802a ("Playpen Ethertypes") were as follows:

Ballot Summary
P802a/D4 Recirculation
Closing date: 2003-03-21
This is a recirculation ballot. The report collates the results from the following groups: 0000277 0000483.

1. This ballot has met the 75% returned ballot requirement.
30 eligible people in this ballot group.
25 affirmative votes
0 negative votes with comments
0 negative votes without comments
0 abstention votes
25 votes received = 83% returned
0% abstention

2. The 75% affirmation requirement is being met.
25 affirmative votes
0 negative votes with comments
25 votes = 100% affirmative

In accordance with conditional approval granted in March under Procedure 10, P802a will now be forwarded to RevCom.

