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[LinkSec] Fwd: [802SEC] +++ LMSC P&P Revision Ballot +++ Ballot on Unpaid Attendees

Yet another 802 SEC rules change ballot...

If you have any comments, please feed them to me for incorporation into my 
response. The files referred to in the text are to be found at:

>Date: Mon, 28 Apr 2003 18:23:38 -0700
>From: Bill Quackenbush <>
>X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.8 (Macintosh; U; PPC)
>X-Accept-Language: en,pdf
>To: IEEE 802 SEC <>
>Subject: [802SEC] +++ LMSC P&P Revision Ballot +++ Ballot on Unpaid Attendees
>X-Resent-To: Multiple Recipients <>
>X-Info: [Un]Subscribe requests to
>Dear EC members,
>Attached you will find the text for an LMSC P&P revision ballot on
>Unpaid Attendees.  This ballot was approved at the Friday March 14, 2003
>plenary session.  It is identical to what was presented at the Plenary session
>except that the dates have been changes.  The purpose and rationale for
>the ballot are as given in the attached document.
>Ballot Opens:  April 29, 2003
>Ballot Closes: June 2, 2003  11:59 PM PDT
>Please use the attached comment spreadsheet.
>WG chairs, if you haven't already done so, please invite your WG members
>to comment through you.  Buzz, please ensure this gets sent to the
>"802ALL" email list as well.


802 P&P chng mtn deadbeatR2.pdf

LMSC-P&P chng cmnt template.xls