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[LinkSec] Confirmation ballot of P802.1d/D2 : Reminder

Please note that this confirmation ballot closes on 12th May.


>X-Mailer: QUALCOMM Windows Eudora Version 5.1
>Date: Thu, 24 Apr 2003 10:23:15 +0100
>    "" <>
>From: Tony Jeffree <>
>Subject: [802.1] Confirmation ballot of P802.1d/D2
>X-Resent-To: Multiple Recipients <>
>X-Info: [Un]Subscribe requests to
>This Email is attached to an official 802.1 Confirmation ballot form for 
>As this is a confirmation ballot, some different rules apply:
>- The balloting period is only 15 days; the closing date is:
>         12 May 2003
>- The subject matter of the ballot is NOT the entire document; the scope 
>of this ballot is ONLY those changes to the draft that were made in order 
>to resolve the D1 ballot comments, and any ballot resolutions that may 
>have been incorrectly applied.
>- You need to return a ballot ONLY if you wish to change your previous 
>vote on P802.1d/D1.  If you do not return a ballot, your previous vote 
>will apply unchanged.
>- Responses are particularly solicited from those voters that made 
>Disapprove votes on the previous ballot, namely Tony Jeffree, Norm Finn, 
>Les Bell, in order to confirm their verbal indication that the agreed 
>ballot resolutions address their concerns, and that these have been 
>correctly applied in the current draft.
>- Assuming that this ballot completes with no new negative votes, there 
>will shortly be a sponsor ballot on this draft. The scope of the Sponsor 
>ballot is the whole text. The editors particularly request that any issues 
>identified with the document that are not within the scope of the 
>confirmation ballot be separately identified now if at all possible to 
>allow the group maximum time to consider the correct action to be taken. 
>The chair extends his usual invitation to submit sponsor ballot comments 
>on behalf of anyone not in the sponsor ballot pool.
>- The editors will accept notification of any editorial nits that have 
>escaped so far, separate from the ballot. Editorial and spelling issues 
>etc. are routinely dealt with in preparation of final text after all 
>ballot completion, but another set of eyes is always useful.
>- Only those 802.1 voting members and liaisons that were eligible to vote 
>on the P802.1d/D1 ballot are entitled to vote in this ballot.  Those 
>people are:
>D1 vote         Name
>-------         ----
>Y       Floyd Backes
>Y       Frank Reichstein
>Y       Hal Keen
>Y       Hesham Elbakoury
>Y       Laura Bridge
>N       Les Bell
>Y       Loren Larsen
>T       Michael D. Wright
>Y       Michel Thorsen
>Y       Mick Seaman
>Y       Neil Jarvis
>N       Norm W. Finn
>T       Paul Congdon
>DNV     Ran Ish-Shalom
>N       Tony Jeffree
>(Y = Approve, N = Disapprove, T = Abstain due to lack of time, DNV = Did 
>Not Vote)
>The PDF file of P802.1/D2 can be found at:
>The disposition of the comments on the D1 ballot can be found at:
>To access either file, the following userID/Password are needed:
>User ID: p8021
>Password: go_wildcats
>If you have any difficulty downloading or reading either file, let me know.
>Further notes relevant to the D2 text:
>- Annex A, the PICS, has been completely revised as expected and following 
>the resolution of comments and discussion at the last meeting. In the rest 
>of the document change bars highlight the areas of change made for this 
>- This will be the last time that Annex Z appears attached to this 
>document. It will be removed from the sponsor ballot, updated as necessary 
>to reflect any final changes, and made available on the 802.1 website. Any 
>comments on Annex Z therefore fall outside the ballot proper, but will 
>still be gratefully received as the final version of this annex is prepared.
>- This will also be the last time that the change barred versions of the 
>state machines appear in a draft. Final versions of these will be 
>incorporated into the archived Annex Z. The sponsor ballot will have clean 
>copies of the machines.
>As is normal with 802.1 ballots, any ballot comments must specify not only 
>what problems have been identified with the text, but also what the 
>commenter proposes as a solution. In particular, any Disapprove ballots 
>are required to be accompanied by a clear statement of the changes that 
>the voter requires to be made to the text in order for the ballot to be 
>changed to Approve. Any comments accompanying the ballot must be presented 
>using the following template:
>NAME:           <Your Name>
>COMMENT TYPE:   <TR (Technical, Required), T (Technical), ER (Editorial, 
>Required), or E (Editorial)>
>CLAUSE: <Clause/subclause number>
>PAGE:           <Page number>
>LINE:           <Line Number>
><Details of comment>
><Details of suggested changes>
>Your ballot must be returned to:
>You are requested to use (exactly!) the appropriate Subject line from
>the following set when returning your ballot. Please send your ballot
>with the Subject line explicitly set, rather than using the Reply
>function in your mailer.
>P802.1d/D2 Ballot - Approve
>P802.1d/D2 Ballot - Comments (with approve)
>P802.1d/D2 Ballot - Disapprove
>P802.1d/D2 Ballot - Comments (with abstain)
>P802.1d/D2 Ballot - Abstain
>Tony Jeffree,
>802.1 Chair.
>Ballot form follows.....
>16 July 2002
>TO: Tony Jeffree
>Editor, P802.1d
>SUBJECT: P802.1d/D2 - MAC Bridges - Revision
>_____ I Approve (may attach non-binding comments below)
>_____ I Disapprove (must attach binding comments below)
>_____ Non-Voter - Comment Only (comments attached below)
>_____ I Abstain for the following reasons (may attach non-binding comments 
>______ Lack of Time
>______ Lack of Expertise
>______ Other: _______________________________________________
>(Telephone No.)
