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[LinkSec] RE: "Wildcard" VLAN ID - ballot

One of the rows in 802.1Q-1998 Table 9-2 on page 69 is an entry for the VID
FFF (hex). It says:

"Reserved for implementation use. This VID value shall not be configured as
a PVID, configured in any Filtering Database entry, used in any Management
operation, or transmitted in a tag header."

So I would like to clarify what we are balloting or about to ballot on (1)
technically (2) procedurally, and (3) from the point of view of its
technical ramifications.

(1) Technical Intent

I believe that the technical intent of this ballot passing would be to
effectively modify the entry in Table 9-2 referenced above so that it would
read something like:

"Reserved for implementation use and to denote "All VLANs" in management
operations. This VID value shall not be configured as a PVID, configured in
any Filtering Database entry, or transmitted in a tag header."

(2) Procedural

We can't just have a quicky working group ballot to change text in a
standard, and this is clearly a change not an interpretation. I suggest that
what we should actually do is informally ballot an item that would then be
added to the draft for the amendment on technical and editorial corrections
to 802.1Q (PAR already approved, project P802.1z, status first draft in prep
by Editor (Tony Jeffree). Obviously this doesn't fix the resolution for all
time (only a full WG ballot followed by Sponsor ballot can do that) but it
is probably an acceptable compromise between timeliness and definitiveness

(3) Technical Ramifications

It is unclear to me what use if any would be made of VID FFF in the
management operations specified for the VLAN Configuration managed objects
in 12.20.2 and 12.10.3 (prior objects are covered by the 'not as a PVID, not
configured in' statement so those are OK). I would have to oppose the change
until clear text is proposed to clarify 12.10.2 and 12.10.3 for the read and
delete operations.


-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Tony
Sent: Wednesday, May 07, 2003 4:27 AM
Subject: [LinkSec] "Wildcard" VLAN ID - ballot

In March, the question was raised as to whether it would be appropriate for
the Bridge MIB to use the value 4095 as a wildcard VLAN ID. The general
discussion around this in the meeting favoured the idea; 4095 is a reserved
VID according to the 802.1Q standard, and therefore, this use is possible.
It was decided to hold a ballot to make sure that there was no opposition
to this idea before the Bridge MIB went ahead with this use.

Please consider this to be the start of that ballot. If you have any
objections to this course of action, please indicate what the objections
are in an email to the 802.1 exploder. I will collate any comments received
so that we can discuss at the June interim meeting.
