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[LinkSec] RE: [802.1] P802.1d/D3 to Sponsor ballot

Tony -

I, as an "anyone  that is not a member of the Sponsor
ballot group", would like to ask you to  submit my comments
as part of your own Sponsor ballot response.
I mean the comments from my messages
"802.1D/D1: Managed objects strong definitions?"
and "[802.1] RSTP - superfluous TCN" in

Additionally, I propose to consider an option to redesign
state machines for GARP/GVRP/GMRP in the same
terms, manner and designation, like RSTP, MSTP, etc.

Respectfully yours, Alex

You wrote:
> ...  Please note that only 
> those people that signed up to be members of the Sponsor 
> ballot group will 
> receive the Sponsor ballot announcement. However, if anyone 
> that is not a member of the Sponsor ballot group has
> comments to make on this draft, I will make my usual offer
> submit their comments as part of my own Sponsor 
> ballot response.