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[LinkSec] July meeting: call for contributions and submission instructions

Dear Linksec members,
We finalized the MACsec PAR to address confidentiality and integrity of data transmission last meeting. (See PAR and 5 criteria at It is now time to start discussing proposals on this area. In addition, we continue the architecture discussions to identify the best way to address authentication and key management. These are the two main topics in the agenda for our July meeting in San Francisco.
Please prepare your contributions and submit them in advance so they can be posted and downloaded by all members before the meeting. The July meeting is approaching fast.
If you would like to submit material to be presented in the meeting please send a PDF file of the presentation (or additional white papers) to and with the following information:
Title of presentation:
Presenter's Name:
Estimated time needed to present:
Brief description of presentation:
Please submit your presentation by Monday July 14th, 2003. Material for the meeting will be posted soon after they are submitted. Make sure you download the material before coming to the meeting.
Please remember that linksec is meeting on Monday morning (9:00-10:30am) to facilitate participation of members from all WGs.