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Re: [802.1] 802.1ab Status - (Was: RE: [LinkSec] Minutes for March, June)

At 12:33 14/07/2003 +0300, Romascanu, Dan (Dan) wrote:

>The minutes of the June meeting are very scarce in detailing the 
>discussions around the ballot review of 802.1ab. I am also unhappy about 
>at least one of my comments having been rejected, with an answer that 
>makes me suspect that the issue was really not understood. Unfortunately 
>scheduling conflicts prevented me to attend the meeting, and this might be 
>the case for one or two of other meetings this year.
>Another example, was there any resolution of the discussion concerning the 
>mechanisms to add MIBs and TLVs? The minutes just mention 'discussions'.
>Will another draft be available soon? before the plenary next week? It 
>looks to me that there is no sufficient time before the plenary next week 
>to have a draft published and reviewed.

Dan -

The minutes are not intended to be a blow-by-blow account of ballot 
processing or ballot comment dispositions. There is a ballot disposition 
document already on the website that records the decisions taken in the AB 
ballot resolution discussions:

username: p8021
password: go_wildcats

I haven't yet heard from Bill when the next rev of the draft will be available.
