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[LinkSec] Toward a MACsec draft


Here is a contribution toward a MACsec draft that Mick and I put together. 
It's quite preliminary and it is intended to be useful by providing a 
structure for contributions to the MACsec standard.You'll see that it 
follows the template of the other 802.1 standards documents.

I think what is most important about this draft is the structure, rather 
than any particulars of the content, which are all up for change and 
development by the group. We think this structure will accommodate past and 
future contributions and be a useful vehicle for making progress on the 

I'll do a presentation Monday afternoon at the plenary on 
structuring,  based on this document- I'll send the slides out as soon as 
they are ready. Also, during the plenary we can go through and discuss the 
content in detail, perhaps on Weds.

The document can be found in
