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[LinkSec] Adding in MACsec

I'm forwarding this announcement for Mick-

This note comprises a number of diagrams to illustrate a proposed
architectural placement of the MACsec Entity (the MACsecY or secY) within
the media access control method independent part of the MAC Sublayer.
Diagrams are provided for an End Station, for an 802.1D MAC Bridge, for an
802.1Q/802.1s VLAN-aware Bridge, and for Provider Bridged Network CPE
capable of service selection of customer VLAN Ids and redundant access links
to a provider bridged network. In the later case provision of MAC security
from customer to customer across the provider network in shown, as well as
use of MAC security to protect the access link to the provider network, and
use internally to secure links between provider bridges.
No commentary is provided … good luck.