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[LinkSec] Fwd: [802SEC] +++ EC P&P Revision Ballot +++ on WG fiancial operations


Please forward any comments on this procedure revision ballot to me. The 
document can be found at:


>Dear EC members,
>  Attached you will find the text for an EC Policies and Procedures 
> revision ballot on WG Financial Operations.  This letter ballot was 
> approved at the Friday, July 25, 2003 plenary session.  The scope and 
> purpose of the changes being balloted are as given in the attached ballot 
> document.
>The ballot opens September 10, 2003 and closes October 10, 2003 at 11:59 
>PM Pacific Time (Daylight or Standard as applicable). (Remember if you do 
>not vote or abstain it is equivalent to a DISAPPROVE vote).
>please ensure this gets sent to the "802ALL" email list as well.  WG 
>chairs, if you haven't already done so, please invite your WG members to 
>comment through you.