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[LinkSec] Fwd: Approval of the Project P802.1AE


Looks like we have the green light for MAC Sec.


>Date: Fri, 12 Sep 2003 10:03:10 -0400 (EDT)
>X-Mailer: MIME-tools 5.411 (Entity 5.404)
>From: Jodi Haasz<>
>Subject: Approval of the Project P802.1AE
>12 September 2003
>Paul Nikolich
>18 Bishops Lane
>Lynnfield, MA 01940
>Re: P802.1AE - Standard for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks: Media 
>Access Control (MAC) Security
>Dear Paul:
>I am pleased to inform you that on 11 September 2003 the IEEE-SA Standards 
>Board approved the above referenced project until 11 September 2007.  A 
>copy of the file can be found on our website at 
>Now that your project has been approved, please forward a roster of 
>participants involved in the development of this project.  This request is 
>in accordance with the IEEE-SA Operations Manual, Clause 5.1.2f under 
>Duties of the Sponsor which states:
>"Submit annually to the IEEE Standards Department an electronic roster of 
>individuals participating on standards projects"
>For your convenience, an Excel spreadsheet for your use has been posted on 
>our website at  Please 
>forward this list to me via e-mail at no later than 9 
>December 2003.
>Please visit our website, IEEE Standards Development Online 
>(, for tools, 
>forms and training to assist you in the standards development 
>process.  Also, we strongly recommend that a copy of your draft be sent to 
>this office for review prior to the final vote by the working group to 
>allow for a quick review by editorial staff before sponsor balloting begins.
>If you should have any further questions, please contact me at 
>732-562-6367 or by email at
>Jodi Haasz
>Program Manager
>International Stds Programs and Governance
>Standards Activities
>Phone +1 732 562 6367
>FAX +1 208 460 5300
