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[LinkSec] Teleconference 10/7/03 notes

Folks- the meeting was brief-
No meeting next week. The next teleconference is 10/21.

10/07/03 802.1ae LinkSec Teleconference

Attendees: Jose Puthenkulam, Mani Mahalingam, Tom Dineen, David Johnston, 
Bob Moskowitz, Allyn Romanow, Onn Haran, Dolors Sala

Agenda - plan work

We have 6 weeks till next meeting
discuss document around 2-3 weeks from now

Dolors - wants to identify what gaps there are. See what's there

terminology - Allyn and DJ start
ch. 6 - Allyn and Marcus
ch. 8 - Mick
incorporate DJ's contributions

Authentication - Bob, will be out next week, will start on the 20th

802.11i voted to make the Ad Hoc meeting a voting meeting. Then they
     will do another 15 day ballot before the plenary.

Jan 12-15 802.3 is meeting in Vancouver. 802.1 might meet there at same
time. Hotel Vancouver. nice Hyatt across the street
802.11 meeting in Vancouver the same week.

No meeting next week. The next meeting is 10/21, Mani will send out
teleconference information