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[LinkSec] LinkSec Teleconference 10/21/03 -- short

LinkSec 802.1ae Teleconference 10/21/03
Chair: Dolors Sala,
Notes: Allyn Romanow,

A very short meeting today-

Attendees: Antti Pietilainen, Dan Romascanu, Dolors Sala, Allyn
Romanow, Onn Haran, Jose Puthenkulam

Looking for a new sponsor for the bridge, starting next week. Any 
volunteers, please contact Dolors.

The plan is for Bob M. to present on key management. Bob isn't here.

A question about how to move forward- Dolors explains that 802.1 makes
progress by reacting to and suggesting text for a draft. Allyn is working 
on the next version, will be available shortly.

Jose- What's the relationship of 802.10 to LinkSec? Dolors explains
that some of the material may be used, but there were significant
differences. 802.10 has been withdrawn and disbanded according to the
recommendation of the officers of that group. Anything taken from the
document will be incorporated and will not reference the documents
which have been withdrawn.

Next week teleconference-  Bob's material, if he wishes.
The following week- discussion of draft, which should be updated by then.