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[LinkSec] P802.1ab/D6 Ballot - Abstain

26th November 2003
TO: Bill Lane
Editor, P802.1ab
SUBJECT: P802.1ab/D6 - Connectivity Discovery

_____ I Approve (may attach non-binding comments below)
_____ I Disapprove (must attach binding comments below)
_X___ I Abstain for the following reasons (may attach non-binding comments 
______ Lack of Time
_X____ Lack of Expertise
______ Other: _______________________________________________

Robert Moskowitz
248 968-9809
(Telephone No.)

Robert Moskowitz
Senior Technical Director
ICSA Labs, a division of TruSecure Corp.
	(248) 968-9809
Fax:	(248) 968-2824

There's no limit to what can be accomplished
if it doesn't matter who gets the credit