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[802.1] Fwd: I found in 802.1s Standard...

>Subject: I found in 802.1s Standard...
>Date: Wed, 29 Oct 2003 10:38:22 +0900
>Thread-Topic: I found in 802.1s Standard...
>Thread-Index: AcOdvVbzXmFV9xmgQqyXFkzCU3eT9w==
>From: "Won-il Lee" <>
>To: <>,
>         <>
>I'm S/W engineer , I developing MSTP.
>I'm purchase 802.1s(MSTP) standard from IEEE . but there are some erros(i 
>think - specified below).
>Can I get errata or new revision of 802.1s ?
>Problems(or Err)
>-page 155 : 13.26.22 txMstp() =>...The Agreement and Proposal flags in the 
>BPDU are set to the values of the agreed.....
>  agreed used only received..tx must use value of agree...
>-Figure 13-13 : common requirement "&&selected && !updttInfo" <= these 
>value exist CIST and MSTI , but Transmit SM is Common SM.  seleceted and 
>updtInfo means values of CIST ?
>-Figure 13-14 : In state CURRENT , requirement rcvdXstMsg is not exist in 
>this standard. rcvdXstMsg means rcvdMsg ?
>-Figure 13-15 : State RECEIVE is wrong. ROLESELECTING is correct.
>-Figure 14-1 : In MSTP bpdu format, MSTI Configuration Messages(may be 
>absent) size specified 103-39 + Version 3 Len.
>where come from 39 bytes ?
>thanks for reading..bye.
