[802SEC] Revised Rules Change to add a second SEC vice chair.
Please find attached my revised changes to the LMSC Operating Rules that, I
believe, will address all of the concerns expressed during balloting and
the comment resolution meeting on Sunday evening (July 7).
Change marks are against the existing rules and are shown in underscore and
strikeout (and red in the screen version).
These changes will be the subject of a Rules Meeting to be held on Tuesday
at 2:00 in the SEC meeting room in the Hyatt.
The goal of that meeting is to come to full agreement on these changes so
they can be approved without further change as quickly as possible.
I'll see you at 2:00 PM
NOTE: New Nortel Addr. as of April 8, 2002
| Geoffrey O. Thompson |
| Vice Chair, IEEE 802 |
| Nortel Networks, Inc. M/S: P79/06/B04 |
| 4655 Great America Parkway |
| P. O. Box 58185 |
| Santa Clara, CA 95052-8185 USA |
| Phone: +1 408 495 1339 |
| Fax: +1 408 495 5615 |
| E-Mail: thompson@ieee.org |
| Please see the IEEE 802 web page at |
| http://www.ieee802.org/