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[802SEC] Heads-up: 2 emails with 2 different 10-day letter ballots will be circulated soon

Dear EC members,

First of all, thank you very much for your support of the IEEE 802.18 RR-TAG work from time to time.

For the EC review as referred to the email dated 14 June 2024 below, neither concerns nor comments received.  As per James' chair guidance, I will send two emails with two different 10-day letter ballots to you soon to consider approval.  

Thanks and Regards,

On Fri, Jun 14, 2024 at 2:39 PM Edward Au <> wrote:
Dear EC members,

I would like to request the review of the following two draft IEEE 802 LMSC submissions by Monday 17 June 2024, A.O.E, before asking the EC to tentatively consider approval of these two submissions via the 10-day letter ballots:
1)  Cayman Islands OfReg's consultation on proposed short range devices
2)  Qatar CRA's consultation on the updated version of the Class License for Short Range Devices

1)  Cayman Islands OfReg's consultation on proposed short range devices
The Utility Regulation and Competition Office of the Cayman Islands (OfReg) proposed to develop a framework dedicated to short range devices.  For this framework, the administration also considers allocating the lower 6 GHz band and the 57 GHz to 71 GHz band for licence exempt operation.  A few 802.18 participants prepared a response with an opinion that commands the administration's effort.  The draft response also encourages the administration to align a few technical requirements with those in FCC, initiate authorization proceedings for standard power RLAN under supervision of AFC, and initiate authorization proceedings to expand the frequency allocation of licence exempt devices to the upper 6 GHz band.

The submission was reviewed and approved by IEEE 802.18 on 13 June 2024 with the following voting results: 8 Yes, 0 No, 3 Abstain.

Link to the draft response:


2)  Qatar CRA's consultation on the updated version of the Class License for Short Range Devices
Communications Regulatory Authority (CRA) of Qatar began a consultation asking for public opinions on the updated technical requirements for short range licence exempt devices, including both UWB and RLAN devices.  A few 802.18 participants prepared a response that welcomes the administration to have expanded on these requirements for licence exempt operations in the lower 6 GHz band.  The response also encourages the administration to initiate authorization proceedings for standard power RLAN under supervision of AFC, initiate authorization proceedings to expand the frequency allocation of licence exempt devices to the upper 6 GHz band, and expand the use cases of UWB to both the enhanced outdoor and indoor scenarios.

The submission was reviewed and approved by IEEE 802.18 on 13 June 2024 with the following voting results: 9 Yes, 0 No, 1 Abstain.  

Link to the draft response:


Thanks and Regards,

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