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[STDS-802-11-CAC] FW: IEEE Webex To Offer Improved Meeting Control Buttons, Breakouts, and More

--- This message came from the IEEE 802.11 Chairs' Advisory Committee Reflector ---

FYI – Enhancements coming to the IEEE-SA provided Webex bridge.





Dorothy Stanley

Hewlett Packard Enterprise


+1 630-363-1389


From: Mike Rintzler [mailto:m.rintzler@xxxxxxxx]
Sent: Monday, August 31, 2020 12:17 PM
To: ieee-meeting-support@xxxxxxxx
Subject: Fwd: IEEE Webex To Offer Improved Meeting Control Buttons, Breakouts, and More



On or about Saturday, September 19th, Cisco is expected to release new enhancements to your IEEE Webex service on that will improve your experience and make your virtual meetings more effective. Below are some of the upcoming new features.


·         New in-meeting controls do not cover content — Meeting controls will be always available at the bottom of your screen, where they won't cover video or shared content.  The buttons will be more intuitive, with universally recognizable icons and text labels with shortcut menus, so users can easily change in-meeting settings without skipping a beat. Essential meeting controls will remain in the center for easy access, while panel controls - Participants and Chat - are moved to the right, where the panels will open when selected.

·         Breakout Rooms coming to Meetings - Breakout Sessions will be available in Webex Meetings, allowing a subset of meeting participants to be split off from the main Webex meeting in order to collaborate and share ideas separately over audio and video. Use breakout sessions for workshops, classrooms, or for when you need a moment to talk privately with a few participants, outside of the main meeting. Hosts will be able to create multiple breakout sessions and automatically or manually assign attendees.

·         New Co-Host role - Spread the hosting duties with a Co-Host. This new role, which replaces the old ‘alternate host’ role, allows the Host to assign in-meeting administrative privileges to another participant. In addition to starting the Meeting in the host’s absence, co-hosts can also mute attendees, invite and remind participants, manage the meeting lobby, and more, allowing the meeting host to focus on other aspects of running the meeting.


  • Webex Meetings Lobby Improvements - The Meeting Lobby is now available for all scheduled meetings, not just your Personal Room. Previously, if a meeting was locked, all users were blocked from joining a meeting. With this update, the scheduled meeting experience is aligning with that of Personal Rooms, where users will be able to wait in a meeting lobby when the meeting is locked. The host will be presented with a notification that new attendees are waiting in the lobby, and can let them in when they are ready.


More information on these and other new features are available on Cisco's What's New Page.


For questions, contact the IEEE Unified Communications team at it-meeting-support@xxxxxxxx


Michael A. Rintzler

Senior Manager, Networking and Unified Communication, IEEE

Office: +1(732) 465-5833

Personal Meeting Room:



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