> what about the attached?
Remaining/new issues:
- "per EBCS" should be "per EBCS traffic stream"
- "EBCS request using the URL indicated in the EBCS Info frame."
should not have a full stop
and for consistency with the cells above be "EBCS request by STAs that might or
might not be associated with the broadcaster
using the URL indicated in the EBCS Info frame".
Or even better:
Request using EBCS Request frames
EBCS request by STAs that are associated with the broadcaster
Request using EBCS Request ANQP-elements
EBCS request by STAs that might or might not be associated with the broadcaster
Request using
IP request the URL indicated in the EBCS Info frame
EBCS request by STAs that might or might not be associated with the broadcaster
> Regarding the lat comment
> > Also, new one: aren't similar fixes needed in Table 9-397d—Request Method
> > subfield encoding (in D1.02) and in references to "Request Method" in
> > General and 11.100.5 EBCS Termination Notice Procedure?
> Probably yes, but these are other comments so a different resolution will be needed, I have not gone through that
So you mean this will be resolved in a different submission and/or
under a different CID?
Mark RISON, Standards Architect, WLAN English/Esperanto/Français
Samsung Cambridge Solution Centre Tel: +44 1223 434600
Innovation Park, Cambridge CB4 0DS Fax: +44 1223 434601
ANTONIO DE LA OLIVA DELGADO <aoliva@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Tuesday, 13 April 2021 13:39
To: Mark Rison <m.rison@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: STDS-802-11-TGBC@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [STDS-802-11-TGBC] CR 1091
Hi Mark, what about the attached?
Regarding the lat comment
Also, new one: aren't similar fixes needed in Table 9-397d—Request Method
subfield encoding (in D1.02) and in references to "Request Method" in General and 11.100.5 EBCS Termination Notice Procedure?
Probably yes, but these are other comments so a different resolution will be needed, I have not gone through that
Hello Antonio,
thanks for the quick response ahead of the meeting
added your modifications to the attached doc, answering other comments:
- "is an
bit mask octet that
" is duplication of the figure defining the element.
- What does "IP" mean in "Out of band
IP request"? The abbreviation does not
appear in
Subclause 3.4. In any case, it's not clear to me what it's
telling me, even if it means "Internet Protocol" (does it mean it has
to be IPv4 or IPv6?)
It means IPv4/IPv6, the EBCS Info frame contains an URL that you can use to do this.
I see. In that case wouldn't it be clearer to say something like
"EBCS request using the URL indicated in the EBCS Info frame"?
What is the point of explicitly referring to IP?
- "Note" should be "NOTE"
- "one Negotiation Method"
should be "one negotiation method"
- Do we have some general comment to deal with the fact that
"an EBCS" needs to be expanded to "an EBCS traffic stream" (or
better "an EBCS stream" or "an EBCS flow") throughout?
Not sure about it, said so, I think in this case the phrase does not intend to mean EBCS traffic stream, since this is talking about the service itself and not the frames... This is the phrase for the others to consider
the transmission of an EBCS identified by the content ID contained in the Content ID subfield"
I don't think transmission of a service makes sense. Similarly
one negotiation method can be selected per service" should probably be
"per EBCS <something>".
- Does "EBCS request by STAs that are not associated with the broadcaster" imply that you
shall not use this method if you are associated? (It doesn't imply
that you shall use this method if you are not associated, since
otherwise methods 0 and 3 could never be used.) Do we have some
behavioural text associated with this?
As I understand this field, you are indicating if the service can be requested by associated or not associated STAs. So to me value 1 means that you need to be associated to request it, value of 2 means you can request it either associated or not associated
and value of 3 means that you need to use another method maybe through another link. This is my understanding though, I did not write this.
So maybe 2 should be something like
EBCS request by STAs that might or might not be associated with the broadcaster
Also, new one: aren't similar fixes needed in Table 9-397d—Request Method
subfield encoding (in D1.02) and in references to "Request Method" in General and 11.100.5 EBCS Termination Notice Procedure?
Mark RISON, Standards Architect, WLAN English/Esperanto/Français
Samsung Cambridge Solution Centre
Tel: +44 1223 434600
Innovation Park, Cambridge CB4 0DS Fax: +44 1223 434601
Antonio de la Oliva
Associate Professor
Telematics Department
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
E-mail: aoliva@xxxxxxxxxx
Phone: +34 91 624 8803
Fax: +34 91 624 8749
Antonio de la Oliva
Associate Professor
Telematics Department
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
E-mail: aoliva@xxxxxxxxxx
Phone: +34 91 624 8803
Fax: +34 91 624 8749
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