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[STDS-802-11-TGBN] Comments on 11-23-2029

Hi Brian,

I am following up on the comment I made during the session today.


I am concerned about the wording in the SP, as the scope of “mode of operation” is very wide and open to interpretation.

I fully appreciate that meeting QoS requirements for certain STA in certain environments is important and we should aspire to meet in 802.11bn.

I also think that it makes sense to do this in the expense of performance for other clients/users, if necessary, and I think this is what the intention of the original SP text was. So removing this text later, I feel did not make the SP clearer.


However, to mitigate some of the concerns that come from allowing such “mode of operation”, my opinion is that you should try to be specific about the conditions and the targets of this “mode of operation”.

E.g. if my neighbour can operate their network in this mode of operation, I would be very unhappy if it reduced the performance the Wi-Fi network in my house or my office.

I am sure other member can think of their own use cases that such a mode of operation might be problematic.


If you can provide some clarifications about the scope of this mode of operation and modify the text accordingly, it would help me to support this.


Kind regards,



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