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[STDS-802-11] LB261 - P802.11bd D4.0 Passed

--- This message came from the IEEE 802.11 Working Group Reflector ---
Dear 802.11 members,

The recirculation Working Group Letter Ballot on P802.11bd D4.0 has closed.
The ballot passed with an approval rate of 98.79% . The ballot details are below.
43 comments were received.

Congratulations to the WG and TGbd on this result.

Thank you,


P802.11bd Ballot Series LB251
Approve 174 200 223 245
Disapprove 38 26 15 3
Abstain - Lack of expertise 21 28 29 26
Invalid 1 1 1 1
Abstain - Lack of time 2 2 4 3
Abstain - Other 1 2 1 0


Approval percentage (>75%) 82.08% 88.50% 93.70% 98.79%
Disapproval percentage 17.92% 11.50% 6.30% 1.21%
Abstain percentage (<30%) 6.16% 8.21% 8.50% 7.62%
Pool = Voters - Ex-officio 340 340 340 340
Return rate (>50%) 69.71% 76.18% 80.29% 81.76%

Ballot duration (days) 30 20 15 15
Ballot open 19-Oct-20 12-Jul-21 1-Dec-21 15-Mar-22
Ballot close 18-Nov-20 1-Aug-21 16-Dec-21 30-Mar-22

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