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Re: [STDS-802-16-MOBILE] [Handoff] Schedule of 06/20~21 meeting

Title: [STDS-802-16-MOBILE] [Handoff] 6/10 telecon meeting minutes
I was planning for 2 full dyas - there is a lot of material to pull together and several loose ends. Assuming we need blocks of time to discuss with other adhoc group members, its going to be pretty tight as is.

From: [] On Behalf Of Jung-Won Kim
Sent: Tuesday, June 15, 2004 12:17 AM
Subject: [STDS-802-16-MOBILE] [Handoff] Schedule of 06/20~21 meeting

Dear Prakash and All:


First of all, sorry about messing your email inbox.


I have one question regarding the coming HO ad hoc meeting on 06/20.

What is the schedule of meeting?

Do you expect to have 2 full day meeting or one and a half day meeting?


Let me know.


Thank you so much.


Best regards,


Jung-Won Kim





Jung-Won Kim, Ph.D.


Senior Engineer

NTP SystemLab. 1

Telecommunication Systems Division

Telecommunication Network

Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.


Office:  +82-31-279-3356

Mobile: +82-10-9530-3356




-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of Iyer, Prakash
Sent: Tuesday, June 15, 2004 11:40 AM
Subject: [STDS-802-16-MOBILE] [Handoff] Agenda for 6/14 telecon


Proposed agenda:


* Review action items from 6/10 call (see below)


* Review new contributions (all in temporary directory for handoff adhoc)

Overhead reduction for initial ranging

Soft Handover Procedure Rev 1

Ping pong criteria

55r3 - resource retain time

Clarification of HO procedure after drop situation

Inter FA HO, inter PHY HO

Method for scanning neighbor BSs periodically-rev1

Scanning optimization




Proposal for fast timing synchronization in OFDMA

MSS release after completing initial network entry

04_58 - Inter-sector HO scenarios


* Scoping changes to D3 draft (will try to get started, if not will continue over email)


* Plans for Thu conf call


From: owner-stds-802-16-mobile@LISTSERV.IEEE.ORG [mailto:owner-stds-802-16-mobile@LISTSERV.IEEE.ORG] On Behalf Of Iyer, Prakash
Sent: Saturday, June 12, 2004 8:16 AM
Subject: [STDS-802-16-MOBILE] [Handoff] 6/10 telecon meeting minutes


Following are the minutes from the handoff adhoc telecon on 6/10/04:

Following contributions have been withdrawn:
04/74, 04/75r2

We went over contributions categorized across different scenarios; details are as follows:
Scenario: Inter-sector HO where BS ID of serving and target BS is assumed to be the same:
(Diff. freq, same FFT size, same IP subnet/prefix, no AAS)

This is one of the basic scenarios. From a scrub of pending contributions, the following contribution (available in temporary upload directory) seems applicable:

* method to reduce a munber of scanning.pdf

We did not discuss this contribution. Action item for the group is to review this draft prior to the next telecon.

Scenario: Inter-sector HO where it does not matter if serving and target BS ID are same or different:
(Diff. freq, same FFT size, same IP subnet/prefix, no AAS)

There are several contributions (including ones promised) that potentially fall into this category. They are listed below with updates based on the telecon:

* 04/87r1, 04/105_enhanced HO reentry, Phil's planned contribution on optimizing invited ranging, skipping SBC-REQ/RSP, skip PKM REQ-RSP, skip REG REQ/RSP, skip IP addrress acquisition

Group agreed that these 3 contributions should be harmonized to address the following: Definitions of levels of backbone information sharing/communication, grouping of functions during network (re)entry and how levels map to such groupings, under what conditions can certain MSS - BS network entry functions be skipped or optimized and how, how will an MSS 'discover' the level of backbone information sharing supported by a serving and target BS and format and content of information that is shared at each level. Transport of such information between a serving and target BS will not be discussed for now. It may also be possible to combine this with the previous contribution - method to reduce a munber of scanning.pdf

Action Item: Itzik, Jung-won, Phil (others interested) work together to harmonize contribution and upload new text for group review prior to next telecon

* 105_Inter-sector HO, 04/58
Action Item: Jung-won to attempt to harmonize these 2 contributions prior to next telecon
* 04/48 - Group to review prior to next telecon
Action Item: Phil Barber to propose updated text for MSS Context (ID?), Sector ID and FA ID based on recent email discussions prior to next telecon

Scenario: Inter-sector HO where serving and target BS ID are assumed to be different:
(Diff. freq, same FFT size, same IP subnet/prefix, no AAS)

Following contributions seem to be relevant to this category:
04/105-MSS Release after completing initial network entry - Group to review prior to next telecon
* 04/55
Action Item: Changhoi Koo to upload revised contribution before next telecon
* 04/57 - Group to review prior to next telecon
* 04/76r2 - Group to review prior to next telecon
* 04/61 - Group to review prior to next telecon
* 04/65 - Group to review prior to next telecon
* 04/50r1 - Group to review prior to next telecon
* 04/51r1 - Group to review prior to next telecon
* Scanning Optimization.pdf, A method for scanning neighbor BSs periodically.pdf, BS initiated Handover with early scanning.pdf

Action Item: Contribution authors (Ronny Kim, Changjae Lee) to harmonize text before next telecon
* 04/105r1 - Proposal for fast timing synchronization in OFDMA - Group to review prior to next telecon
Scenario: Different FFT size between sectors (same or different BS ID):
Lots of discussion around possibly extending NBR-ADV to include PHY information such as modulation, frequency, FFT size etc. Discussion to continue on the mailing list.

Scenario: Multiple frequencies per sector (same or different BS ID):
Discussions were inconclusive in terms of requirements and how to support multiple frequency assignment per sector. David Castelow has posted a response to an earlier comment from Vladimir. Request to other adhoc group members to review and respond to this thread. 3 action items were identified:

Action Item: Jung-won to send out email on deployment scenarios involving multiple frequency assignment to level set the group

Raja Banerjea to send out email to level set understanding of FA in DCD map
Dave Mcginniss to send out deployment scenario requirements

Scenario: Different IP subnet/prefix (Serving and Target BS IDs are assumed to be different):
At least 3 contributions that need to be harmonized

* 04/90r2, 04/68r2, Phil Barber's proposal ARID proposal
Ronny described a scenario in which a BS may need to support DHCP enabled client and MIP clients implying that a BS may need to support more than 1 subnet/prefix ID or ARID simultaneously. Discussions to continue on the mailing list.

Scenario: Optimization of Idle Mode during HO:
There are 4 contributions:

* 04/108
* 04/66
* 04/28r1
* 04/105 - Complementing Idle Mode handover operations
Group to review these contributions prior to the next telecon.  
Scenario: Soft HO (Serving and Target BS ID are assumed to be different) - including AAS support:
04/105 Soft HO defintion and requirements
* 04/110
* Soft Handover Procedure.pdf
Group to review these contributions and discuss on the mailing list - especially PHY folks. Also, it may be possible to harmonize contributions on Fast BS Switching HO with Soft HO contributions: 04/117, 04/60r1

Miscellaneous contributions:
Group is requested to review the following contributions prior to the next telecon:
* 04/115 - improving cell search when mobile
* 04/69 - support for multicast services (Yong Chang to upload updated contributions suggesting text changes in D3 draft)

* 04/52 - protection of backbone messages (we may want to defer discussion on this contribution)
* New contribution to be uploaded by Changhoi Koo on ping-pong criteria
Next week:
* Group agreed to 2 telecons: Monday 8 PM US Pacific time and Thursday 6 AM US Pacific time. Telecon logistics to follow.

* Priorities for next week:
- Follow up on action items listed above including all group reviews of contributions
- Discussion on text changes relative to D3 and finalization of scope of changes
- Discussion on remaining open issues - Mobility Agent, updates to SDLs in annexes
- Review requirements being uploaded by operators