stds-802-16: Eighth European Conference on Fixed Wireless Systems and Networks
I would like to inform you on the next European Fixed Wireless Conference
The purpose of the conference will be to provide a Forum for the
discussion of the most recent developments in the field of Fixed
Wireless Systems and Networks and the impact on current and
emerging Operators, taking into account the variety of new
applications and services' necessary in the frame of an evolution
of fixed terrestrial wireless systems.
The fixed terrestrial radio market is rapidly changing, new
applications such as radio LAN are now diffused and ask for new
technological developments and can offer a new portfolio of
services, the usage of the fixed wireless equipment in support of
the deployment of mobile networks may require the revision of
existing architectural and of planning criteria.
Particularly, I would like to draw your attention to the call for papers.
The conference will take place in Lisbon late October, but the abstracts
for contributions should be submitted by the end of April.
Best regards
Ingvar Henne
ECRR Scientific Commitee