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Results of IEEE 802.16 Letter Ballot #14 (on P802.16e/D1)

Working Group Letter Ballot #14 is now closed. The result was 31
Approve, 15 Disapprove, 6 Abstain, and 12 not voting. For details,
see the report:

The approval ratio of 67.4% is below the minimum 75% needed for
approval. However, if the ratio reaches 75% based on comment
resolution, the ballot can still pass, subject to recirculation. If
we can't get to 75%, then we will need to consider a new letter
ballot on the draft. In either case, we need to proceed with comment
resolution at Session #30.

429 comments were received. These are detailed in IEEE 802.16-04/09:

I will issue a formal Call for Reply Comments soon, with a deadline
of Friday 12 March AOE. I'll issue a formal announcement on that
issue soon. In the meantime, you are free to begin reviewing the
comments and developing Reply Comments. Please remember that a good
reply comment is not written as your personal view; it is, instead,
your proposed language to use as the group's official response, with
detailed instructions to the editor and a detailed explanation to the
commenter. If we can come into the meeting with a good set of reply
comments, the meeting will flow much more smoothly.

Task Group e should try ensure that all of the comments are reviewed
before the meeting. If you are willing to reply to all the comments
in a particular subclause, please tell Brian Kiernan
<> and Ron Murias <>
so they know that at least one person will be covering that section.


>[Please see also the note "Release of IEEE P802.16e/D1"
>To: IEEE 802.16 Reflector
>cc: IEEE 802.16 Working Group Members <>
>IEEE 802.16 Working Group Letter Ballot #14 is now open, through 5
>March 2004. The ballot concerns TGe's newly-released
>P802.16e/D1-2004 ("Draft Amendment to IEEE Standard for Local and
>Metropolitan Area Networks - Part 16: Air Interface for Fixed and
>Mobile Broadband Wireless Access Systems - Amendment for Physical
>and Medium Access Control Layers for Combined Fixed and Mobile
>Operation in Licensed Bands"):
>       <>
>The announcement document:
>  Title: "IEEE 802.16 Working Group Letter Ballot #14: Announcement"
>  Document Number: IEEE 802.16-04/06
>  URL: <>
>details the procedures. It also tells you how to participate and
>explains the Members' obligation to do so. "Membership shall be lost
>if two consecutive, or two of any three consecutive, Working Group
>letter ballots for which the member was eligible are not returned or
>are returned with an abstention other than for 'lack of technical
>expertise'." You can check your recent balloting history:
>       <>.
>       <>
>Don't forget the deadline of 5 March 2004, which allows a week for
>reply comments before Session #30. Allow time to read the draft
>carefully. As you read, please keep the Commentary database open so
>you can easily record corrections to any problems you see.
>Comments from non-members are also welcome.
>The ballot submission form is available at:
>Results will be posted, as they are received, at:
>Dr. Roger B. Marks  <> +1 303 497 3037
>National Institute of Standards and Technology/Boulder, CO, USA
>Chair, IEEE 802.16 Working Group on Broadband Wireless Access
>        <>