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Reply Comments of IEEE 802.16 Letter Ballot #14 (on P802.16e/D1)

When I announced the Results of IEEE 802.16 Letter Ballot #14 (on
P802.16e/D1), I said "I will issue a formal Call for Reply Comments
soon, with a deadline of Friday 12 March AOE." I forgot to send such
an announcement. However, there wasn't much else to say, except to
specify the instructions. Here they are:

To create and submit reply comments:

(1) Obtain Commentary <>, if you
don't have it.

(2) Unzip the Comment Report to get a ".USR" file, which will open in

(3) Read the comments in Commentary. When you want to respond to a
comment, check the "Marked" box at the top of that record. Then fill
out the following fields:

Recommendation by:
Proposed Resolution:
Reason for Recommendation:

You are justified in recommending rejection on grounds of
incompleteness or lack of a specific change request.

(4) When you are finished entering replies, look under Scripts and
choose "Find Marked Records". This will find the records for which
you checked the "Marked" box. Only the found records will be exported
in Step (5). Don't send a bunch of records on which you have no reply

(5) Under Scripts, choose "Export Clause Editor's Proposals". Choose
the file type "FileMaker Pro Runtime Files". Enter a file name of the
form "LB14_reply_Name.USR", where "Name" is your name.

(6) Email the exported file as an attachment to

(7) The creator of each original comment will be offered the
opportunity to generate a draft comment resolution and to lead the
comment resolution during discussion in the session (or appoint an
alternative person to do so).

Dr. Roger B. Marks  <>
Chair, IEEE 802.16 WG on Broadband Wireless Access <>
National Wireless Electronic Systems Testbed (N-WEST)
National Institute of Standards and Technology/Boulder, CO
tel: +1 303 497 3037

>Working Group Letter Ballot #14 is now closed. The result was 31
>Approve, 15 Disapprove, 6 Abstain, and 12 not voting. For details,
>see the report:
>The approval ratio of 67.4% is below the minimum 75% needed for
>approval. However, if the ratio reaches 75% based on comment
>resolution, the ballot can still pass, subject to recirculation. If
>we can't get to 75%, then we will need to consider a new letter
>ballot on the draft. In either case, we need to proceed with comment
>resolution at Session #30.
>429 comments were received. These are detailed in IEEE 802.16-04/09:
>I will issue a formal Call for Reply Comments soon, with a deadline
>of Friday 12 March AOE. I'll issue a formal announcement on that
>issue soon. In the meantime, you are free to begin reviewing the
>comments and developing Reply Comments. Please remember that a good
>reply comment is not written as your personal view; it is, instead,
>your proposed language to use as the group's official response, with
>detailed instructions to the editor and a detailed explanation to
>the commenter. If we can come into the meeting with a good set of
>reply comments, the meeting will flow much more smoothly.
>Task Group e should try ensure that all of the comments are reviewed
>before the meeting. If you are willing to reply to all the comments
>in a particular subclause, please tell Brian Kiernan
><> and Ron Murias <>
>so they know that at least one person will be covering that section.
>>[Please see also the note "Release of IEEE P802.16e/D1"
>>To: IEEE 802.16 Reflector
>>cc: IEEE 802.16 Working Group Members <>
>>IEEE 802.16 Working Group Letter Ballot #14 is now open, through 5
>>March 2004. The ballot concerns TGe's newly-released
>>P802.16e/D1-2004 ("Draft Amendment to IEEE Standard for Local and
>>Metropolitan Area Networks - Part 16: Air Interface for Fixed and
>>Mobile Broadband Wireless Access Systems - Amendment for Physical
>>and Medium Access Control Layers for Combined Fixed and Mobile
>>Operation in Licensed Bands"):
>>      <>
>>The announcement document:
>>  Title: "IEEE 802.16 Working Group Letter Ballot #14: Announcement"
>>  Document Number: IEEE 802.16-04/06
>>  URL: <>
>>details the procedures. It also tells you how to participate and
>>explains the Members' obligation to do so. "Membership shall be
>>lost if two consecutive, or two of any three consecutive, Working
>>Group letter ballots for which the member was eligible are not
>>returned or are returned with an abstention other than for 'lack of
>>technical expertise'." You can check your recent balloting history:
>>      <>.
>>      <>
>>Don't forget the deadline of 5 March 2004, which allows a week for
>>reply comments before Session #30. Allow time to read the draft
>>carefully. As you read, please keep the Commentary database open so
>>you can easily record corrections to any problems you see.
>>Comments from non-members are also welcome.
>>The ballot submission form is available at:
>>Results will be posted, as they are received, at:
>>Dr. Roger B. Marks  <> +1 303 497 3037
>>National Institute of Standards and Technology/Boulder, CO, USA
>>Chair, IEEE 802.16 Working Group on Broadband Wireless Access
>>        <>