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Re: [STDS-802-16] Commentary 2.1 release

OK, here is my first clarification/correction:

In both the Windows and Mac versions, don't try opening the  
application directly. Also, don't open the file "DoNotOpen.cmt". In  
either case, Commentary will just close. INSTEAD: open any other  
document (.cmt) file. For example, the file Commentary.cmt is  
included the download package and can be used as a place to enter  
comments for LB#24. Or you can open the LB#23 voting package  
802.16-06/057r1. You can open the .cmt file by doing a drag-and-drop  
onto the .exe file. Or, see (2).

In the Windows version I originally posted for download, you should  
make a correction: change the name of "Commentary.exe" to  
"Commentary2.exe".  Otherwise, Windows will have a hard time  
associating "cmt" files with Commentary[*]. I've already modified the  
posted ZIP file, so any downloads from now on will have the name  

[*] To associate "Commentary2.exe" with .cmt files, do the following:

(a) right click on a .cmt file, and select Open With/Choose Program...
(b) click Browse; locate and select "Commentary2.exe"
(c) Click "Always use the selected program to open this kind of file"
(d) Click "OK".

Afterwards, all .cmt files should open correctly.

Unlike the case of 2.0beta, you can keep your .cmt files anywhere;  
they are not limited to the Commentary folder.

The previous version would not allow you to save your personal data.  
I've posted an update that fixes the problem. You can get the update  
at <>. It's not very important, and there  
will probably be a more interesting update soon, but it's only 78 KB.  
[This will be the approximate size of any future updates also.]


> Dear 802.16 Participants,
> I'd like to announce Commentary 2.1beta, a major new release. You  
> are welcome to use this application for all balloting and  
> commenting purposes within the IEEE 802.16 Working Group. In fact,  
> it is mandatory for future development work, including WG Letter  
> Ballot #24.
> The application is available here:
> Commentary 2.1beta is dramatically improved with respect to the  
> previous version 1.55, which I released in April 2001. This tool  
> has played a central role in the progress and success of the  
> Working Group. However, many things have changed since 2001, and we  
> need to bring Commentary up to date. I have burned a lot of  
> midnight oil on version 2, and I expect it (with minor revisions)  
> to last at least another five years. There will be some transition  
> effort required on your part, but I think you'll see the benefits.  
> Note that, since the new file format is incompatible with that of  
> 1.55, comments in the old format will not be accepted when  
> Commentary 2 format is specified. You should still keep the 1.55  
> around to read the legacy databases.
> This version replaces in short-lived 2.0beta, which was released  
> for WG Letter Ballot #23. You can continue to use 2.0beta for that  
> purpose, but it won't be good for anything else. If you haven't  
> gotten started with your voting for LB#23, I suggest that you go  
> directly to 2.1beta. You can do so by downloading the new database  
> here:
> This new database will work with 2.1beta, but not with 2.0beta.
> No manual exists, but the application is simple to install, and the  
> operation is mostly self-explanatory. As before, the program is a  
> standalone application that runs under Windows and MacOS operating  
> systems without any special additional requirements.
> Here are some new features:
> *The user interface is completely revised for clarity and  
> simplicity. The screen views are divided into four "views",  
> optimized for four kinds of roles: Member, Group, Editor, and  
> Chair. Each of these views is available to everyone, since roles  
> change.
> *The user's data can be personalized and stored to a file. Later,  
> when running a version of the database distributed by the WG, you  
> can recall your stored data. You can check you membership status  
> with a window to a live web membership list. The program asks that  
> comments from members be accompanied by an 802.16 Member ID. This  
> will be the same ID number printed on your badge at 802 Plenaries.  
> I have emailed to each member tonight a reminder of your 802.16  
> Member ID. Let me know if you are a Member and don't receive this.
> *In the Member View, screen layouts are provided for generating  
> comments, generating reply comments, voting on comments (as in  
> LB#23), and submitting lists of comments that have been resolved  
> satisfactorily.
> *Export of data for submittal is made much more explicit and  
> strict. This is intended to eliminate the submittal of input in an  
> inappropriate format. The system is not foolproof, but I think it  
> will virtually solve the problems we have had. Exported files are  
> automatically named. The application has the file extension "cmt",  
> but the exported data files are assigned specific extensions  
> (cmtb,  cmtr, cmtv, and cmts) depending on their content.
> *The Group view is optimized for comment resolution. It is similar  
> to what we have used before, but with improved clarity. It also  
> includes some enhancements; for example, searching by subclause  
> number works correctly ("10." comes after "9.").
> *The Editor's view is also similar to what we have used before, but  
> improved. It's intended to aid the editor in implementing the  
> comments and making a record of what's been done and what remains  
> problematic.
> *The Chair's view include some routines to easily import submitted  
> files. The TG Chairs will appreciate the ability to batch-import a  
> group of files (though a bit of manual intervention is required).  
> I've also added an import/export feature to provide compatibility  
> with the myBallot format used by IEEE-SA Sponsor Ballots. I will  
> therefore be moving our 802.16k Sponsor Ballot database to 2.1beta.
> *The Chair's view allows the preparation of a ballot report that  
> can be printed (to PDF, provided that you have appropriate  
> software). The format and usability of this step are improved  
> significantly.
> *The Chair's view includes the ability to generate voting results  
> needed to compute the results of ballots of individual comments (as  
> in LB#23).
> *The MacOS version runs under OSX and is a Universal application  
> running with all processors.
> I have some further small improvements in mind. Upgrades to the  
> software will be available without the large download required for  
> 2.1beta. In fact, when you upload a new ballot file, you will  
> automatically get the upgraded version. [Unfortunately, 2.0beta  
> cannot be upgraded, for technical reasons.]
> I'll be looking forward to reports of problems or suggestions. I am  
> sure you will find some, but I hope none that is major. In any  
> case, let me know.
> Regards,
> Roger