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[STDS-802-16] new Commentary 2.11beta can import .USR

I've added a routine to import Commentary 1.55 (.USR) files into  
Commentary 2. It's under the Chair's View.

It's not as convenient as I would like, but it's the best I can do  
under the limitations of the programming tool. Still, all you need to  
do is click, and you can do an import in about a minute.

Again, you can get the update at <> (78 KB).

Now that I have this conversion tool, I'll be putting it to use.


> OK, here is my first clarification/correction:
> In both the Windows and Mac versions, don't try opening the  
> application directly. Also, don't open the file "DoNotOpen.cmt". In  
> either case, Commentary will just close. INSTEAD: open any other  
> document (.cmt) file. For example, the file Commentary.cmt is  
> included the download package and can be used as a place to enter  
> comments for LB#24. Or you can open the LB#23 voting package  
> 802.16-06/057r1. You can open the .cmt file by doing a drag-and- 
> drop onto the .exe file. Or, see (2).
> In the Windows version I originally posted for download, you should  
> make a correction: change the name of "Commentary.exe" to  
> "Commentary2.exe".  Otherwise, Windows will have a hard time  
> associating "cmt" files with Commentary[*]. I've already modified  
> the posted ZIP file, so any downloads from now on will have the  
> name corrected.
> [*] To associate "Commentary2.exe" with .cmt files, do the following:
> (a) right click on a .cmt file, and select Open With/Choose Program...
> (b) click Browse; locate and select "Commentary2.exe"
> (c) Click "Always use the selected program to open this kind of file"
> (d) Click "OK".
> Afterwards, all .cmt files should open correctly.
> Unlike the case of 2.0beta, you can keep your .cmt files anywhere;  
> they are not limited to the Commentary folder.
> (3) UPDATE
> The previous version would not allow you to save your personal  
> data. I've posted an update that fixes the problem. You can get the  
> update at <>. It's not very important,  
> and there will probably be a more interesting update soon, but it's  
> only 78 KB. [This will be the approximate size of any future  
> updates also.]
> Roger
>> Dear 802.16 Participants,
>> I'd like to announce Commentary 2.1beta, a major new release. You  
>> are welcome to use this application for all balloting and  
>> commenting purposes within the IEEE 802.16 Working Group. In fact,  
>> it is mandatory for future development work, including WG Letter  
>> Ballot #24.
>> The application is available here:
>> Commentary 2.1beta is dramatically improved with respect to the  
>> previous version 1.55, which I released in April 2001. This tool  
>> has played a central role in the progress and success of the  
>> Working Group. However, many things have changed since 2001, and  
>> we need to bring Commentary up to date. I have burned a lot of  
>> midnight oil on version 2, and I expect it (with minor revisions)  
>> to last at least another five years. There will be some transition  
>> effort required on your part, but I think you'll see the benefits.  
>> Note that, since the new file format is incompatible with that of  
>> 1.55, comments in the old format will not be accepted when  
>> Commentary 2 format is specified. You should still keep the 1.55  
>> around to read the legacy databases.
>> This version replaces in short-lived 2.0beta, which was released  
>> for WG Letter Ballot #23. You can continue to use 2.0beta for that  
>> purpose, but it won't be good for anything else. If you haven't  
>> gotten started with your voting for LB#23, I suggest that you go  
>> directly to 2.1beta. You can do so by downloading the new database  
>> here:
>> This new database will work with 2.1beta, but not with 2.0beta.
>> No manual exists, but the application is simple to install, and  
>> the operation is mostly self-explanatory. As before, the program  
>> is a standalone application that runs under Windows and MacOS  
>> operating systems without any special additional requirements.
>> Here are some new features:
>> *The user interface is completely revised for clarity and  
>> simplicity. The screen views are divided into four "views",  
>> optimized for four kinds of roles: Member, Group, Editor, and  
>> Chair. Each of these views is available to everyone, since roles  
>> change.
>> *The user's data can be personalized and stored to a file. Later,  
>> when running a version of the database distributed by the WG, you  
>> can recall your stored data. You can check you membership status  
>> with a window to a live web membership list. The program asks that  
>> comments from members be accompanied by an 802.16 Member ID. This  
>> will be the same ID number printed on your badge at 802 Plenaries.  
>> I have emailed to each member tonight a reminder of your 802.16  
>> Member ID. Let me know if you are a Member and don't receive this.
>> *In the Member View, screen layouts are provided for generating  
>> comments, generating reply comments, voting on comments (as in  
>> LB#23), and submitting lists of comments that have been resolved  
>> satisfactorily.
>> *Export of data for submittal is made much more explicit and  
>> strict. This is intended to eliminate the submittal of input in an  
>> inappropriate format. The system is not foolproof, but I think it  
>> will virtually solve the problems we have had. Exported files are  
>> automatically named. The application has the file extension "cmt",  
>> but the exported data files are assigned specific extensions  
>> (cmtb,  cmtr, cmtv, and cmts) depending on their content.
>> *The Group view is optimized for comment resolution. It is similar  
>> to what we have used before, but with improved clarity. It also  
>> includes some enhancements; for example, searching by subclause  
>> number works correctly ("10." comes after "9.").
>> *The Editor's view is also similar to what we have used before,  
>> but improved. It's intended to aid the editor in implementing the  
>> comments and making a record of what's been done and what remains  
>> problematic.
>> *The Chair's view include some routines to easily import submitted  
>> files. The TG Chairs will appreciate the ability to batch-import a  
>> group of files (though a bit of manual intervention is required).  
>> I've also added an import/export feature to provide compatibility  
>> with the myBallot format used by IEEE-SA Sponsor Ballots. I will  
>> therefore be moving our 802.16k Sponsor Ballot database to 2.1beta.
>> *The Chair's view allows the preparation of a ballot report that  
>> can be printed (to PDF, provided that you have appropriate  
>> software). The format and usability of this step are improved  
>> significantly.
>> *The Chair's view includes the ability to generate voting results  
>> needed to compute the results of ballots of individual comments  
>> (as in LB#23).
>> *The MacOS version runs under OSX and is a Universal application  
>> running with all processors.
>> I have some further small improvements in mind. Upgrades to the  
>> software will be available without the large download required for  
>> 2.1beta. In fact, when you upload a new ballot file, you will  
>> automatically get the upgraded version. [Unfortunately, 2.0beta  
>> cannot be upgraded, for technical reasons.]
>> I'll be looking forward to reports of problems or suggestions. I  
>> am sure you will find some, but I hope none that is major. In any  
>> case, let me know.
>> Regards,
>> Roger