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[STDS-802-16] 802.16p RG Discussion Schedule

Dear 16p members,

In session 71, two RGs were formed to discuss material related to "a large number of devices" (abbreviated as DEV) and "power savings" (abbreviated as PWR).   See <IEEE 802.16p-10/0016> for more information. Both RGs will initiate conference calls to discuss and develop materials for the 16p AWD.  Contributions related to the DEV and PWR groups should be submitted to the appropriate RG for harmonization work prior to the conference calls. Contributions shall be uploaded to <>> with the filename convention "C80216p-rg-11_0xxx", where "xxx" is the filename you reserved using the Upload facility.  The discussion schedule for the two RGs follows:





Feb 07 2011 (Monday)


Contributions Submission Deadline

Feb 08 2011 (Tuesday)


RG chairs will  release two documents each

1.    A contribution identifying key points for discussion based on received contributions  and related sections and functions

2.    A contribution containing combined text from all contributions and identifying sections which they target.

Feb 09 2011 (Wednesday)


Conference call 1 for DEV discussions

Feb 10 2011 (Thursday)


Conference call 1 for PWR discussions

Feb 15 2011  (Tuesday)


Conference call 2 for DEV discussions

Feb 17, 2011 (Thursday)


Conference call 2 for PWR discussions

Feb 22, 2011  (Tuesday)


Conference call 3 for DEV discussions.

Feb 24, 2011 (Thursday)


Conference call 3 for PWR discussions

Feb 25, 2011 (Friday)


RG chairs release the RG report and the amendment text draft based on the discussions with in the RG.

*CST is US Central Time


Please note the following:

1.     Please add one of the following tags  to the titles (not the filenames) of your contribution –

a.     DEV for large number of devices RG  

b.     PWR for power saving support RG

2.     After Conference calls 1 & 2,

a.     RG chairs will release an updated version of the amendment text draft based on the discussions and agreements in the conference call

b.     kick-off email discussions for each of the topics identified by the group as important. 

3.     The Amendment text draft coming out of Conference call 3 will be open for comments which will be resolved at Session 72 in Singapore.

4.     Members are encouraged to have offline harmonization




Kaushik/Ming-Hung (DEV RG Chairs)

Kiseon (PWR RG Chair)