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Re: [STDS-802-16] [802.16n][DC] Technical Positions for DC use case and frame structure

Dear 802.16n folks,


According to the announcement of strawpoll, I’d like to collect technical positions of each technical issues for DC RG. The latest version of the spread sheet is C80216n-rg-11_0043r1.xls.

If 16n participants want, please upload the spread sheet that are filled with your technical positions to the RG upload directory by 11PM Friday, Korea. When upload, please get new RG contribution number and upload the spread sheet with the new contribution number to the RG upload directory.


I will upload the spread sheet collecting all the technical positions from voluntary 16n participants to the RG upload directory.

It is expected that its version of the spread sheet will be C80216n-rg-11_0043r2.xls.


Best regards,

Sungcheol Chang, DC RG co-chair.


From: Sungcheol Chang []
Sent: Tuesday, April 12, 2011 12:08 AM
Subject: [STDS-802-16] [802.16n][DC] Technical Positions for DC use case and frame structure


Dear 802.16n folks,


Thanks for joining the technical discussion about DC use case and frame structure.

In parallel with the technical discussions, Id like to propose a strawpoll.

This strawpoll is just to collect technical positions on discussion issues from 16n DC RG voluntary participants.

If technical positions are known, they help us make consensus.


(Eldads help) the schedule of the strawpoll follows:

1)      Draft sheet for technical positions (C80216n-rg-11_0043.xls has been uploaded to the RG upload directory)

2)      comments on the sheet (by 11 PM Tuesday, Korea)

3)      Re-circ sheet & comment by 11PM Wednesday, Korea

4)      Final sheet circulated by 11PM Thursday, Korea

5)      participants send their technical positions by 11PM Friday, also Korea

6)      Take weekend off for a change! (good sugguestion)


I think that the results of this strawpoll are informative and not used for selecting one of technical approaches.


Best regards,

Sungcheol Chang, DC RG co-chair.