Monday, 9 March 2009, 1:00-4:00 pm
Opening | Marks | 1:00pm |
Call to Order |
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Introductions: Roger Marks (Chair), Jose Puthenkulam (Vice Chair),
Herbert Ruck (Acting Secretary, in absence of Peiying Zhu) |
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Welcome |
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Logistics, Registration |
Security: Keep your personal belongings secure at all times. All attendees must have their name badges clearly visible while on the meeting floors, for all refreshment breaks, and for the social. Guests for the social do not require a name badge but must be accompanied by a badged attendee. |
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CD-ROM: IEEE 802 CD-ROM (Nov 2008 edition) is available at registration to all registered attendees. |
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Membership and Voting | Marks | 1:10pm |
Members, Potential Members, Members in Peril |
Voting Tokens: use your registration badge |
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Attendance Log procedure: You must use the
IEEE Automated Meeting Attendance Tool
("IMAT") if you wish to receive participation credit for Session #60.
This credit is essential to retaining or obtaining Working Group
Membership or Observer status. In order to use IMAT, you must have an
IEEE Web Account for use during the session. [See
further instructions
and an
informational presentation.
Attendance credit granted to 802.16 members for participation in IEEE 802.18, 802.19, and 802.21. |
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Affiliation: Attendance software's “Affiliation” field is the appropriate Affiliation per IEEE-SA affiliation disclosure requirements and will be reported as such. |
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Approvals | Marks | 1:20pm |
IEEE 802.16 Opening Plenary Agenda (Motion: To approve the Opening Plenary Meeting Agenda as presented) |
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Motion: To approve the Minutes of Session #59 (IEEE 802.16-09/0003r1) and decisions therein. |
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Chair's Report | Marks | 1:25pm |
Administrative, Procedural, and Announcements (see Chair's Opening Plenary Presentation Slides) |
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Working Group Status update (see IEEE 802.16 Report for LMSC Plenary of 9 March 2009) |
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IEEE-SA News Chair's Opening Plenary Presentation Slides
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IEEE 802 LMSC News (see Chair's Opening Plenary Presentation Slides)
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IEEE 802 Policies and Procedures (P&P) change discussions (see Chair's Opening Plenary Presentation Slides) |
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Review of Session #59 Report |
Session #60 Document Guide |
IEEE 802 PARs Under Consideration
submitted to LMSC EC WG comments due by 5 pm Tuesday: Call for any comments to be raised. |
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IEEE 802 Tutorials (see Schedule on next line) Take note of TV Whitespace tutorial, and slides regarding the TV Whitespace ECSG |
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Schedule for the week | I | |
Maintenance Task Group Report | Labs |
P802.16Rev2/D9 completed final Sponsor Ballot Recirc
on 14 February
99% approval
(1 Disapprove voter) Submitted to RevCom <>On RevCom agenda for 18 March |
WG Maintenance Process Liaison from WiMAX Forum Technical Working Group
(IEEE L802.16-09/0015)
Actions and draft response assigned to Maintenance TG |
Relay Task Group Report | Nohara | 2:05pm |
P802.16j/D9 completed Sponsor Ballot Recirc on 20 February
98% approval
(2 Disapprove voters) Submitted to RevCom <>On RevCom agenda for 18 March |
Meeting Plans Comment resolutions to be drafted (editorial only - recommendations to IEEE staff editors)
License-Exempt Task Group Report | Goldhamer | 2:15pm |
P802.16h/D9 in Sponsor Ballot
did not complete comment resolution at Session #59
additional comments received in WG Call for Comments |
Meeting Plans |
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Expected Closing Plenary Motions
TGm Report | Kiernan |
TGm Schedule for the week - Breakouts |
SDD comments |
AWD comments |
Meeting Plans |
Liaison | Marks | 2:40pm |
ITU Liaison Group:
Arefi | I |
Respones to Call for Contributions for IMT-Advanced RIT Proposal Templates; Correspondance Group Report |
Arefi | |
Motion: To authorize the ITU-R Liaison Group to draft documents regarding contributions as needed, tentatively approve them on behalf of the WG (subject to confirmation at the 802.16 Closing Plenary), submit them for 802.18 TAG review, and represent the WG with the 802.18 TAG. |
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WG Ad Hoc Committee on Network Robustness and Reliability | Arnaud Tonnerre | 3:00pm |
Report and Meeting Plans |
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Charge to Task Groups | Marks | 3:10pm |
Schedule for the week |
Actions and Reporting |
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Audio-Visual Equipment VeriLAN Events will be managing the projectors. Please note the following: The hotel's in-house audio visual company is taking care of microphones, sound and screens. If you have any changes or difficulty with this equipment, contact the IEEE 802 meeting planning staff of Face To Face Events at the meeting concierge desk or registration desk. |
Meeting cancellation or early close
The TG Chair must inform WG Chair if TG meetings are completed for the week earlier than planned so that the facilities can be released. The TG Chair must inform WG Chair in order to request extra meeting space. |
Closing Plenary Agenda and Motions |
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Session #60 Report |
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Future Sessions | 3:15pm | |
Session #61: 4-7 May 2009 in Cairo, Egypt: Interim Session, hosted by National Telecom Regulatory Authority of Egypt (NTRA) |
Session #62: 13-16 July 2009 in San Francisco, California, USA with
IEEE 802 Plenary Session |
Session #63: 31 Aug - 3 Sep 2009 in Jeju, Korea, hosted by Hokyu Choi of Samsung |
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Session #63.5: 21-25 September in Waikoloa, Big Island, Hawaii, USA IEEE 802.18 session to address IMT-Advanced proposals in IEEE 802 IEEE 802.16 ITU Liaison Group Meeting IEEE 802.16 TGm meeting (?) |
Session #64: 16-19 Nov 2009 in Atlanta, Georgia, USA with IEEE 802 Plenary Session |
Session #65: Jan 2010 (probably 11-14 Jan): Interim Session; site to be determined at Closing Plenary of Session #60
Proposals solicited; please see IEEE 802.16 Interim Session Guidelines. |
Session #66: 15-18 March 2010 in Orlando, USA with
IEEE 802 Plenary Session |
New Business | 3:30pm | |
Other new business
Closing | 3:45pm | |
Adjournment of Opening Plenary |
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