802.16 Letter Ballot #3

The history of 802.16 Letter Ballot #3 is presented below, in inverse chronological order.
03 August 2001
IEEE 802.16 Letter Ballot #3 was declared successfully closed.
02 August 2001
IEEE 802.16 Confirmation Ballot #3b closed. The two comments are in the Comment Report. The voting results are in the Letter Ballot #3 Voting Report (HTML or PDF).
23 July 2001
IEEE 802.16 Confirmation Ballot #3b opened.
15 June 2001
IEEE 802.16 Recirculation Ballot #3a closed. The voting results are in the Recirc #3a Voting Report (HTML or PDF). The comments are in the Recirc #3a Comment Report (use "Import Full Records" script in Commentary).
25 May 2001
In response to the comments received in Letter Ballot #3, Draft 3 was created and was subject to IEEE 802.16 Recirculation Ballot #3a (25 May - 15 June 2001).
13 March 2001
IEEE 802.16 Letter Ballot #3 closed. The motion passed, subject to comment resolution and recirculation. Details are below.

Document under review: IEEE 802.16/D2-2001 (private)
Document title: Draft Standard Air Interface for Fixed Broadband Wireless Access Systems

Motion: To approve IEEE 802.16/D2-2001 and forward it for Sponsor Ballot

Ballot opening date: 06 February 2001

Ballot closing date: 13 March 2001 (11:59 pm U.S. Eastern Time)

Ballot results
The ballot approval ratio was 80.2% (higher than the required 75%), with a return ratio of 75% (higher than the required 50%). Therefore, the motion passed. However, the ballot requires comment resolution recirculation. During Session #12, the 806 comments (352 of them technical) were addressed. A revised draft is in preparation.

To participate in the ballot, you must download the Balloting Tool and use it to prepare your vote and comments. Submission instructions are included.


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