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[RPRWG] Balloting On "Terms and Definitions" Begins Today!

All 802.17 members and observers, give your thanks to Bob Sultan, John Hawkins, John Lemon, and the entire Terms and Definitions Ad Hoc team for preparing our first draft of the IEEE 802.17 Terms and Definitions draft for us to vote on.
This is our first opportunity to ballot a portion of the IEEE 802.17 Resilient Packet Ring draft. 
    The Terms and Definitions draft is now posted at
With the posting of the document, today August 8th, the balloting on this document begins.  The ballot will close on Saturday, September 8th at midnight Pacific Coast time.  (Therefore, all comments must be posted to the web site ahead of the interim meeting.) 
Since this is a small document, and we don't want to waste time at the meeting reviewing the comments for the first time, please make every attempt to complete your review and posting of comments no later than Friday August 31st. (Think of August 31st as the deadline for comments, although we will accept comments till the 8th of September.)
Note that voting on ballots is a requirement for continued participation as a member of IEEE 802.17.  Failure to vote on drafts by the deadline, can jeopardize your membership status (see of the LMSC operating rules posted at
As you prepare your comments for submission you must determine for each comment whether it is editorial or technical in nature.  Since this is a definitions section, I would expect most comments to be editorial in nature.  For technical comments you must indicate whether making your requested change is necessary before you will vote approve on the document.  A vote of NOT APPROVE for editorial reasons can be considered an invalid vote.
In preparing your comments for submission my strong recommendation is to create a document where you list the following for each comment,
Page Number / Section Number /Subsection Number / Line Number / Editorial or Technical / Required Change or Optional /
(Specifying "Required Change" rather than "Optional" is normally done only for technical comments and implies that your vote on the draft is "Disapprove" until your concern is adequately addressed.)
State your concern as clearly as possible
State specifically what change is required to address your concern.
Note that you may have some comments that apply to more than one definition.  They may be universal in nature or refer to a number of instances.  Two examples follow:
Page 0 / Section 0 / Subsection 0 / Line 0 / Editorial / Optional
Concern:  My reading glasses broke, I can't read the document
Solution:  Change the font to 14 point everywhere.
(For the above example, Page, section, and line 0 were used to indicate this is a global comment referring everywhere)
Example 2:
Page 2 /  Section 1 / Subsection 96 / Line 74 / Editorial / Optional
Concern:  "Egress" is a non-standard term
Solution:  Change everywhere to "Gozzoutofthenode".  Do a document search and change all instances of "egress".
For this example, the listed page/section/subsection/line numbers would be the first use of "egress" within the document. 

After you have completed your review of the document, go online to the database and cut and paste your comments into the database.
After you have finished entering your comments submit your vote which can be
Approve without comments
Approve with comments
DisApprove (based on having specific comments submitted that indicate you have a technical concern that must be corrected to change your vote to approve.  You must have also indicated a specific change that would address your concern adequately.)
As soon as the data base is online a notice will be posted to the reflector indicating what you must do to access it.  Exact instructions for submitting your comments and your ballot position will also be posted.
Even though voting is based on the votes of IEEE 802.17 voting members, comments will be accepted from all who review the document.  We ask all non-voters to refrain from submitting any of your comments with "Required Comment" which implies a "Do Not Approve" vote.  Also please do not submit any vote other than "Abstain" Reason - Not a voting member of IEEE 802.17
Best regards,
Robert D. Love
Vice Chair, IEEE 802.17
Chair, Resilient Packet Ring Alliance
President, LAN Connect Consultants
7105 Leveret Circle     Raleigh, NC 27615
Phone: 919 848-6773       Mobile: 919 810-7816
email: rdlove@xxxxxxxx          Fax: 208 978-1187