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[RPRWG] 802.17 members only site

Title: 802.17 members only site

Several people have emailed asking for the members-only password of the 802.17 website. Please be advised that I (as webmaster) do not maintain the active membership list. I can't tell when you email me whether you are a member or not. This is especially true since people's status changes with each meeting. Furthermore, as a matter of policy, I don't feel it is my role to distribute this information.

Please email Mike Takefman directly (tak@xxxxxxxxx) and he, with the latest membership roll at his disposal, can forward the information to members directly.

We will not be posting this information to this reflector (and neither should you). Therefore I ask you NOT email this reflector asking for the password because it's only a matter of time before some well-intentioned member hits the "reply-all" button and posts it. When that happens, we'll have to go through the inconvenience of changing the password, and re-distributing it to members. Let's avoid that please.

