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[RPRWG] Status of comments


The comment period for P802.17 Draft 0.1 is now closed. I'm
happy to say that we have received a total of 624 comments
on Draft 0.1 from 27 people. Not a large amount, considering
the number of voting members in the committee, but still a
far cry from the 42 comments as of Tuesday evening. Currently,
the Cheap Wine Award for the maximum number of comments goes
to David James with 134, followed closely by John Lemon with

I am enclosing a PDF file containing the current ballot status
(actually, a comment status; no ballots were registered). I
would like all those who have submitted comments to check this
file and verify that their name appears on the list together
with the correct number of comments. Please notify me right
away if you do not see your name on the list.

I am also pleased to note that most of the commenters actually
read the instructions and submitted comment files that could
be imported properly into the database. However, there were
still 7 people who sent in comment files without following the
instructions on Page 11 of the Commentary User's Guide. I am
presently processing these files to get them to import correctly;
after this has been done, I will request John Hawkins to post
the CRD on the web page for people to review and propose
resolutions. The CRD will be frozen on Saturday afternoon.

Note that the editors of the Section 2 clauses (MAC Datapath)
have added some editors' notes into the clauses pointing out
issues for discussion at the Plenary. These notes were added
too late to make it into the published draft. Please download
the annotated clauses from the members-only draft URL:

and review the notes, in preparation for next week. No changes
to the actual draft text were made between the posted clauses
and these annotated clauses; only editors notes were added to
highlight problems and conflicts.

Best regards,

- Tom Alexander
Chief Editor, P802.17 WG

D0.1 Ballot status.pdf