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[RPRWG] [Fwd: [802SEC] Discovery protocol PAR]


here are some doc pointers from 802.1 on a PAR for a 
topology discovery protocol for an entire 802 network.

I had a brief talk with Tony Jeffree and the intent of
this protocol is different from our own as it runs across
an entire 802 network (and of course it runs at a layer 
above the MAC) whereas ours runs within the MAC and 
whose scope is limited to the ring.

If there are concerns with this PAR please discuss on
the reflector.


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [802SEC] Discovery protocol PAR
Date: Fri, 15 Mar 2002 16:09:44 +0000
From: Tony Jeffree <tony@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: stds-802-sec@xxxxxxxx
CC: stds-802-1@xxxxxxxx

Please note that 802.1 will be requesting the Exec to approve a PAR for the 
development of a discovery protocol at the end of the July 802 meeting; I 
am therefore circulating this as advance notice under the 30-day rule.  The 
text of the draft PAR and 5C can be found at:

