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[RPRWG] Re: Ballot


In addition to your and Tony Jeffree's comments, people should also be aware
of a couple of other options:

If your company is or becomes a corporate member of IEEE-SA, this comes with
a number (2 to 10) of complimentary individual memberships for employees.
Corporate membership cost goes by company's annual revenue and ranges from

Also, it's not really a requirement be an individual IEEE member to join
but non-IEEE members do pay $155 IEEE-SA annual membership dues.
This is comparable to membership in both as you suggest and so it would be
to most people's advantage in gaining the many other benefits of IEEE
membership itself.

George Young
Principal Member of Technical Staff
SBC Technology Resources, Inc.
425 West Randolph Street
Chicago, Illinois  60606
Phone: (312) 669-2313
Fax:     (512) 241-5618

-----Original Message-----
From: Robert D. Love [mailto:rdlove@xxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Tuesday, January 21, 2003 9:43 AM
To: Takefman, Mike; 802.17
Subject: [RPRWG] Re: Ballot

I was asked how one becomes an IEEE-SA member, and a member of the potential
IEEE 802.17 sponsor ballot pool.  I thought that the question was of general
interest, and  important enough to respond comprehensively to the reflector.

First, becoming an IEEE-SA member has as a pre-requisite, becoming an IEEE
member.  The total fee for joining the IEEE is a function of the region of
the world that you live in.  Fees range from $114 - $143/year.  In addition,
at the time of joining you can join the IEEE-SA for an additional fee of
$10.00.  The easiest way to join the IEEE, and the IEEE-SA is to go to the
IEEE home page, then, on the left hand side of the page click
on membership to get to
=index.xml&xsl=generic.xsl. Once there, you can find out what dues are for
your part of the world by clicking on 2003 IEEE Society dues which takes you
=dues.xml&xsl=generic.xsl.  From either of those pages you can click on
"join IEEE" and complete your application online.  I am told by the IEEE
that the application web pages include the option of joining the IEEE SA at
the time you fill out the application.

Once you are an IEEE and an IEEE-SA member, and have your IEEE membership
number you can now go online to complete your application to request being
on the Sponsor Ballot Pool for IEEE 802.17.  The URL for joining the IEEE
ballot pool is

Mike Takefman, you may want to post a note to the reflector giving people
the approximate time-frame that they have to become members of the IEEE
Ballot Pool before you request the formation of the 802.17 Sponsor ballot

Best regards,

Robert D. Love
President, Resilient Packet Ring Alliance
President, LAN Connect Consultants
7105 Leveret Circle     Raleigh, NC 27615
Phone: 919 848-6773       Mobile: 919 810-7816
email: rdlove@xxxxxxxx          Fax: 208 978-1187
----- Original Message -----
From: "Leon Bruckman" <leonb@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "'Robert D. Love'" <rdlove@xxxxxxxx>
Sent: Monday, January 20, 2003 7:04 AM
Subject: Ballot

> Bob,
> I want to be part of the sponsor pool for the 802.17 sponsor ballot. As
> as I understand all I have to do is become a IEEE-SA member, and I need
> necessarily be a full IEEE member, am I right ?
> I also understand that once I become a IEEE-SA member (pay the fee) I can
> part of the pool, without any delay.
> Please enlighten me.
> Thanks,
> Leon