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RE: [RPRWG] FE Eligible Shaper


No, it doesn't do anything. I thought for sure I had submitted a comment against D2.2 to remove it, but must have forgotten to do so. I'm submitting a comment against D2.3 to remove any claims of it shaping the traffic, but keeping the setting of sendC (by removing Row 6.12-1).

FE traffic is "shaped" (or at least rate limited) by the fairness algorithm. There is nothing more for the FE shaper to do but to use the values generated by the FA to set sendC appropriately.


-----Original Message-----
From: Fredrik Davik [mailto:bjornfd@xxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Tuesday, July 15, 2003 7:04 AM
To: stds-802-17@xxxxxxxx
Subject: [RPRWG] FE Eligible Shaper

Is the fairness eligible shaper used for anything in D2.3?

I can see that it is incremented every TICK count and that it is
decremented when sending traffic from the fairness eligible quota.

I cannot see that it is used when assigning values to other varibles...

In D2.2 it was used when sending traffic of the FE qouta up to or
before the congestion point...

Best Regards, 
Fredrik Davik
                 Phone:       +47 67 82 83 88
                 Mobile:      +47 45 24 91 88
                 Fax:         +47 67 82 82 01
                 Switchboard: +47 67 82 82 00


Simula Research Laboratory
P.O.Box 134, Lysaker
N-1325 Lysaker