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Re: [RPRWG] Reminder: Book your Rooms NOW for September


One other point.

I do know that many people in the bay area were thinking about flying 
in on tuesday morning rather than on monday night.

We had a very slow start to this weeks meeting because of valley 
traffic and people getting to meeting late.

Given that the September meeting is only 3 days rather than the
usual 4, your companies have already saved a day's work and a
night's hotel charges. And we already saved some companies alot
of money by having the August interim in the valley.

My check of flights from the bay area makes getting to the meeting 
anywhere near 8am impossible.


I think it is reasonable to ask ALL attendees to arrive monday
night (and pay for the room at the hotel) but get the meeting going
at 8:00 AM tuesday morning.

Once again, please book your hotel room NOW and pre-register on the web.

thank you,


Mike Takefman wrote:
> RPRWGers,
> the last day for booking rooms in Vegas is the 09/03/03
> in other words NEXT WEEK. You can pre-register as well.
> Based on the number of comments we had this round. September
> is likely to have a large volume of comments too and the
> three days will be quite full.
> In addition to comment resolution, we have to spend time
> looking seriously at 802.17b. I suggest that we try to
> hash out it out so that we can set up for a proper plan
> so that we can go to the SEC with a reasonable plan
> around a SG.
> mike

Michael Takefman              tak@xxxxxxxxx
Manager of Engineering,       Cisco Systems
Chair IEEE 802.17 Stds WG
2000 Innovation Dr, Ottawa, Canada, K2K 3E8
voice: 613-254-3399       cell:613-220-6991