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[RPRWG] Question about Row 22 and Row 23 of Table 10.13

Hi, everyone,
In the Draft 2.5, I think there is a error in Row 22 and Row 23 of table 10.13.
If the station receive a TP frame from ringlet1 that indicates a edge in the west side of the source station, all the stations beyond the source station, including the source station, should be unreachable in ringlet0, not in ringlet1. If the TP frame indicates a edge in the east side of the source station, all the stations beyond the source station, not including the source station, should be unreachable in ringlet0.
So, I think the correct action of Row 22 should be:
for (j=i;j<=MAX_STATIONS;j+= 1) {
and the action of Row 23 should be:
for (j=i+1;j<=MAX_STATIONS;j+= 1) {
How do you think about it?
Best Regards,