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[RPRWG] The upstream is more aggressive than the downstream

Hi all,

Recently I simulate the fairness scenarios in annex I. The effect is a little interesting. Could you give me some comments or suggestion?


		flow(s1->s3) 100% --------------------------------------------->

	     				flow(s2->s3) 100% ----------------->

	--> s1---------------------------> s2----------------------------> s3  --------------------->
		<----------------------SCFF messages (s1<-s2)

unreservedRate=maxAllowedRate=shaperD=linkRate, reserved=0  stqLowThreshold = 1MTU	stqMedThreshold = 2MTU stqHighThreshold = 3MTU  rampUpCoef =6, rampDownCoef =6	 

weight of s1 : weight of s2 = 2:1   	(the output of aggressive mode and conservative mode is very close.)
1. packet size =64  		s1->s3:s2->s3 = 1.94 :1
2. packet size = 512		s1->s3:s2->s3 = 2.08 :1
3. packet size = 1024 	s1->s3:s2->s3 = 2.13 :1

weight of s1 : weight of s2 = 1:2   	(the output of aggressive mode and conservative mode is very close.)
1. packet size =64  		s1->s3:s2->s3 = 1:1.26
2. packet size = 512		s1->s3:s2->s3 ~= 1:1
3. packet size = 1024 	s1->s3:s2->s3 ~= 1:1

unreservedRate=maxAllowedRate=80%  linkRate reserved=20% linkRate shaperD=100%linkRate 
Other Configurable  Variable is unchanged
weight of s1 : weight of s2 = 1:2   	(the output of aggressive mode)
1. packet size =64  		s1->s3:s2->s3   = 1: 1.9
2. packet size = 512		s1->s3:s2->s3   = 1:1.65
3. packet size = 1024 	s1->s3:s2->s3   = 1: 1.6

weight of s1 : weight of s2 = 1:2 conservative mode
1. packet size =64  		s1->s3:s2->s3   = 1.14:1
2. packet size = 512		s1->s3:s2->s3   = 1.38:1
3. packet size = 1024 	s1->s3:s2->s3   = 1.2 :1

The questions:
1. Why upstream is so greed?
2. Is there any other parameter which will impact the effect of FA?
3. How to decide ageCoef?    --     Based on Table9.6 in D3.0,  OC3--ageCoef=8, OC12-ageCoef=8, OC48-ageCoef=2, OC192-ageCoef=1/2
				      It seems rateCoef * ageCoef always equal to 1, so normCoef =localWeight, is it right?
Winnie Shao
Senior Software Engineer
IXA Development Center, Shenzhen Branch, PRC
I-net: 8-754-1008