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[RPRWG] ConservativeRate SM questions

Hello RPR experts:

I have some questions regarding the conservative rate adjust State Machine
from the released RPR standard (802.17-2004.pdf, Table 10.9, pages 258 - 

1. Row 5: the condition is
     localFairRate/localWeight >= unreservedRate[myRi] - rampUpCoef.
   It seems having some typo in the right side, because unreservedRate 
is in bytes and
    rampUpCoef is a pure number.
2.  Row 5 and Row 16: the allowedRate is calculated twice in the
      two states, first in Row 5 as
       allowedRate += (maxAllowedRate - allowedRate) / rampUpCoef;
   then after transiting from CGST state to FINAL state,
         allowedRate = Min(unreservedRate[myRi], localFairRate);
    The later calculation invalids the early one. One of the 
calculations should be
    removed or changed.
Hope someone can clarify. Your help will be greatly appreciated!

Guoliang Wu
Fujitsu Network Communications, Inc.
Richardson, TX 75082