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Announcement for 802.19 Study Group Conference Calls

IEEE 802 EC and 802.19 TAG,


            This is announcement regarding the upcoming 802.19 Study Group conference calls.  I would ask that each of the wireless WG/TAG chairs forward this email to their reflectors.


            The Study Group plans to develop a PAR and Five Criteria for a Recommended Practice for Predicting Coexistence of Wireless Networks.


            The Study Group conference calls will be on Wednesdays at 12 Noon Eastern Time (9 AM Pacific Time).


            These are the dates on which we plan to hold conference calls


December 7

December 21

January 4

January 11



1.  Call 858-845-5000

2. After the greeting press 1 to attend meeting.

3. Enter Meeting ID 8019 followed by the # sign.

4. Enter Meeting Password 80219 followed by the # sign.

5. Follow the remaining prompts for recording the callers name and joining the meeting.

For assistance, dial #0 at any time.


            I would ask that anyone who plans to attend send me an email so that I can record your name and email address for the minutes.  That procedure was in the 802.11 CBP SG and was very useful in keeping accurate attendance.


