There is no rule for straw polls. The reason in
the ECSG Matt wanted 75% was that it was going to be followed up by an actual
vote and he figured the actual vote needs 75% to pass.
We can discuss what to do with those that
received approximately 66% or 50% on the call tomorrow. My opinion is that if
something received around 50% we should defer it. The one that got 66% is a
little less clear so I would like to discuss whether we do it now or defer.
From: Nancy Bravin
Sent: Monday, April 20, 2009 10:16 AM
To: STDS-802-19@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [802.19] Straw Poll
Hi David,
I seem to be the only one speaking here on this, so I guess I will continue
with my thoughts…
In the ECSG we did many straw polls, and only addressed those that hit
75%...Sometimes to reach
that 75% we reworded a sentence as it may not have had the same meaning to each
of the people.
because the language used, left things unclear….
It has been my understanding, and I could be wrong, that 75% is the threshold
that the EC thought
was necessary…Actually, when there was a 22 question straw poll on one day by
email…not a single one
Reached 75%, so we crafted new questions…and finally got to the 75
percentage. The EC was not happy
and pounced on the ECSG saying that there must not be enough interest if that
is the case.
Many responded that if the statement was clearer they would vote for it, others
something different.
My basic point is that anyone can do contributions I assume, and upload
them…but if this group
follows what we did with the ECWS group…we tried to get to that percentage as
it would be a definite
Signal to the EC as to what was
needed, important, and they should consider going forth with
whatever falls into those categories.
I am no expert in the rules, but am assuming that in the WS area,
it operates the same????
Comments are welcome, respectfully, Nancy
From: David Cypher
Sent: Monday, April 20, 2009 12:54 PM
To: Nancy Bravin; STDS-802-19@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [802.19] Straw Poll
Why do you quote 75% and exceptions to rules? What rules?
This was a straw vote, not a formal motion. There is no requirement of
A straw vote is used to "test the water".
Steve posted the results of the straw, which he based his conclusions on.
Work on item two can be done and not be an exception to the rules.
Use cases and scenarios must be done, but since these are numerous a subset may
need to be selected to be workable.
Metrics / measurements must also be done in conjunction or what are your use cases
or scenarios good for?
Given these two, the others should fall into place.
David Cypher
At 06:29 PM 4/18/2009, Nancy Bravin wrote:
HI Steve,
I would recommend that we concentrate on the use case / scenarios which is the
only one that passed over 75%, and that will provide an accurate
roadmap of what needs to be done. That may or may not include the other
questions, or may provide
a better way of defining how to do it. We will in the end have more
participation if we can get consensus over 75% in all areas we work on.
Otherwise we are always working with exceptions to the rules.
Just an opinion, Nancy
From: whitespace@xxxxxxxx
[ mailto:whitespace@xxxxxxxx] On
Behalf Of Shellhammer, Steve
Sent: Saturday, April 18, 2009 2:22 PM
To: 802. 19 TAG (stds-802-19@xxxxxxxx); 802TVWS
Subject: RE: Straw Poll
I would like to thank everyone for their participation in the Straw Poll.
Here are the results.
As you can see the only task that received overwhelming support was Task 1 on
Coexistence Scenarios. The other three tasks received mixed results.
Clearly we should do Task 1. I would also say that we received 2/3
support for Task 2, so in my personal opinion we should consider doing Task 2
on coexistence metrics.
The support for Tasks 3 and 4 are spit almost down the middle. We
can discuss these on Tuesdays conference call. However, given mixed
support I am not sure it makes sense to consider these at this point. It
might make sense to plan for Tasks 1 and 2 and after those are complete
reconsider whether there is support for Tasks 3 and 4. Lets discuss
on Tuesdays call.
Also, and email comments are welcome.
From: whitespace@xxxxxxxx
[ mailto:whitespace@xxxxxxxx] On
Behalf Of Shellhammer, Steve
Sent: Tuesday, April 14, 2009 5:20 PM
To: 802. 19 TAG (stds-802-19@xxxxxxxx); 802TVWS
Subject: Straw Poll
Here are the instructions for the straw poll on TVWS coexistence SG
Straw Poll Instructions
1. Save the
attached spreadsheet and change the file name to your personal name in the form
2. In Column B
row 1 change the word Name to your personal name
3. In Column B
rows 2-5 enter either Yes, No or Abstain for each
of the possible SG deliverables, indicating your support or lack of support for
development of each deliverable
4. Save the
revised file and email it back to me by the end of the day on Friday April
17. There is no need to send the file to the entire email list