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Re: [802.19] 회신: A follow-up presentation about a WSO using coexistence report announcements




Thanks for continuing the discussion. I believe this helps us going forward by sharing views on what the system looks like and how does it operate.

I have some responses and comments in-line below.


Best Regards,




From: ext 강현덕 [mailto:henry@xxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: 05 July, 2012 05:03
To: STDS-802-19@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [802.19]
회신: A follow-up presentation about a WSO using coexistence report announcements


Dear Mika and all,


I have several comments on the follow-up presentation (doc. 19-12/118r0) on the mentor.


On slide 3,

texts on sub-clause do NOT mean that coexixstence report announcement procedure is mandatory. I would like to make it clear that the current draft (DF 2.08) does NOT mandate this procedure.


Mika: I agree that the draft doesn’t mandate any of the procedures and that’s why we need the PICS. We have assumed, as stated quite few times in past, that all the procedures are mandatory and that’s why the claim. I should have been clearer with my statement. A PICS is needed and we’ll have a proposal for the San Diego meeting.


On slide 4,

Why a WSO subscribed for the information service should trigger its decision making process when they received coexistence report announcement message from the CM. By the definition of the information service, the WSO have the full right to decide its decision making related to operating parameters by itself. No one from the external world can force the WSO to activate its decision making process. Note that implementation of the WSO is out of scope of 802.19.1 standard.


Mika: I fully agree that the WSO is out of scope and as stated several times in previous presentations on the same topic the diagrams and descriptions related to decision making in the WSO are exemplary. We have not been imposing any implementation and that’s not the intention in the latest submission either. I’m glad to hear that you share the view even though I didn’t have any doubts on that earlier either.

Additionally, I would like to make it once more clear that the interface A between a WSO and a CE is informative. A CE may have any kind of interface with a WSO and whatever we have and will have specified for the COEX_MEDIA_SAP is just informative. When we talk about the primitives in that interface related to coexistence report (in section they are informative as well and one may have a CE implementation which doesn’t support any of those primitives but communication between a WSO and a CE happens with some other means. This means also that whatever we have in the procedures about WSO-CE interaction is just informative. In practice this means, as an example, that a possible coexistence report announcement from a CM to a CE doesn’t necessarily create an announcement from the CE to the WSO. It is entirely up to the CE implementation how the announcement from the CM is handled. Naturally the WSO vendor has some (even all the) power to say how the CE behaves with respect to the WSO-CE interface.


The WSO will activate its decision making process based on its own demand, for examples, QoS degradation due to interference increment, need for more bandwidth due to high data rate, and so on. We argue that external triggering by the coexistence report is not appropriate for the information service. This is also one of main reason why we believe the indication based approach is not proper for the WSO subscribed for the information service.


Mika: I agree that it is very much possible to have a WSO implemented in the way you describe it. That’s, however, just one possible implementation and that’s why I would be cautious with statements like “The WSO will activate…”. That sounds too much like a mandate and only possible implementation. There are multiple others as well and one of them could be like what was illustrated in the latest presentation. We don’t impose any implementation but we should consider different ones and provide reasonable support for each of them. The reason we believe coexistence report announcement is valuable piece of information at any time it changes for the WSO is that the report is an effective mean to become aware of availability of new resources like channels which were earlier occupied by some others. That’s what I meant to say with the last bullet point of the slide 7 in the latest presentation. If a WSO is operating with limited set of resources because of lot of others in the vicinity and some of those others vacate at least some of the resources we believe the report as an announcement is an effective manner to become aware of the change and availability of new resources.


We haven’t said anywhere ever that a coexistence report announcement needs to trigger decision making. It is just one possible implementation we have elaborated quite many times from various perspectives. Further, as stated above, an announcement from the CM to the CE doesn’t necessarily mean that the WSO receives the announcement. The interface between a WSO and a CE is implementation dependent and one can make the CE, as an example, buffer some amount of announcements and deliver them or the recent one (or whatever) on request from the WSO. This is something a WSO vendor needs to define and decide when implementing, specifying, selecting, etc. a CE.  


Whenever the WSO want to decide its operating parameters by any reasons internally, it will make use of coexistence report information by sending the coexistence report request message to the CM if it is subscribed to the information service of 802.19.1 system. The CM will provide up to date information when this request message is received. 


Mika: This is one possible implementation, but as said earlier, not the only one.


In addition, based on our comments, it seems that the out-dated coexistence report problem due to the indication based approach (please refer to doc. 19-12/114r0) is still questionable.


Mika: Let me try to elaborate more on this in a separate email. I think I have put enough material already for one email J


Any questions or comments are welcomed.



Best regards,



보낸 사람: mika.kasslin@xxxxxxxxx [mika.kasslin@xxxxxxxxx]
보낸 날짜: 2012 7 4 수요일 오후 4:43
받는 사람: STDS-802-19@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
제목: A follow-up presentation about a WSO using coexistence report announcements


Dear all,


In reference to the TG1 call earlier today I have prepared a new presentation about a WSO which receives coexistence report announcements through its CE from the CM.

In the call I was asked how a purely announcement based approach can be made to work. I have tried to answer the question in the new submission.


If you have any questions or comments on the topic itself or any of the related submissions and especially on this latest one please don’t hesitate to send me or to the reflector an email. I think it is extremely important to share views and concerns we have in order to have a good quality specification. I don’t want to wait for the San Diego meeting for all the possible discussions because we have a lot of similar topics in our agenda. Thanks!


Best Regards,
