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[802.3_ISAAC] On the complexity of adding 25Gbps to ISAAC



There have been several presentations calling for supporting data rates above 10Gbps

The last presentation in the list had 17 supporters in addition to the four authors and straw poll taken at the November 2023 Plenary Meeting showed that majority (57%) supported the inclusion of 25Gbps


There have been three arguments given against data rates above 10Gbps:

  • It might slow things down in the Task Force
  • It does not have sufficient volume to justify standardizing it
  • It may not be technically feasible


Earlier today I shared a presentation that addresses the last concern, about technical feasibility. Based on my theoretical analysis, there is no doubt in my mind that it is theoretically feasible to support 25Gbps.


Regarding the first point that adding 25Gbps may slow down the Task Force, this concern is not based on any specific examples of what might slow down the process. One obvious candidate would be if supporting the 25Gbps would be so complicated that that the standard text would become too complex and cumbersome. We have example text in 802.3ch, A-PHY and ASA, where multiple rates have been supported, so we know that this can be done.


I did a small experiment to further analyze the effort of adding the 25Gbps data rate to standard text that supports 2.5Gbps, 5Gbps, and 10Gbps:

  • My example text is primarily based of the text in clause 149 (802.3ch)
  • I updated the text to describe and asymmetric FDD based system with 2.5Gbps, 5Gbps, and 10Gbps in downstream, and 100Mbps upstream
  • I then added support for 25Gbps to the text

The additional 25Gbps text was less than 10% of the total text and it was less than 2% additional effort to add the 25Gbps text.


While I used 802.3 text as baseline in my experiment, similar example could have been generated based on the ASA text that has been liaised to 802.3.


In summary, my analysis indicates that adding 25Gbps to ISAAC will not have significant impact on the effort to write the text, and it should not significantly slow down the project.



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