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[BP] Channels for simulation - Attn: Bill Peters

At the January meeting we identified a few steps to make our simulation workload more manageable.  We made progress on this at the last signaling ad-hoc by zeroing in on an single package model and limiting the IC model and TP4-TP5 requirements.  The other request we made is to pick a subset of the Intel channels to simulate against since there was a large number of these.  Bill, you had agreed you would be able to pick the subset you'd like us to focus on.  Have you been able to look at that?  I don't see anything out on the website nor have I seen any reflector traffic.  We also targeted to have simulation results input by Feb 28, which is coming up real fast.  I'd appreciate if you could provide us input.

Thanks,        Joe

Joe Abler                                                   
IBM Microelectronics Division                          919-254-0573
Technical Marketing & HSS Applications    919-254-9616 (fax)
3039 Cornwallis Road                                                                
Research Triangle Park, NC  27709