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Interim Meeting Announcement - IEEE P802.3.1b interim electronic meeting - 23 August 2024

Dear Colleagues,


This is an announcement of an electronic-only interim Meeting for IEEE P802.3.1b Task Force, scheduled for the 23rd of August, 2024, 9am Denver time. The call information can be found on the IEEE 802.3 Call and Meeting calendar (see:


This meeting will be focused on addressing the 99 received comments, which are posted at the regular location (, and progressing the draft to the first IEEE SA recirculation ballot.


I want to remind all teleconference meeting participants to review the following documents prior to participation in an IEEE 802.3 meeting teleconference:


• IEEE SA patent policy

• IEEE SA Copyright Policy

• IEEE SA Participation Policy and Code of Ethics


All of these policies may be found at 




Marek Hajduczenia

Chair, IEEE P802.3.1 (IEEE 802.3.1b) Ethernet SMIv2 Data Model Definitions (revision) Task Force

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