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Re: [RE] Monday RE adhoc meeting announcement

Apologies, but I am in Texas on the 28th.

David V James wrote:

Tom Dineen has proposed the following agenda for a between
meeting adhoc, which I have volunteered to host:

  Monday, 2005Feb28
  802.3 RE Study Group adhoc meeting
  3180 South Court, Palo Alto, CA

>From my perspective, the intent is to help focus between
meeting activities, but not to make decisions.

By working on details between meetings, (hopefully)
the valuable meeting time can be used more efficiently.

At Tom's request, I will be hosting the meeting at my
residence, which is easy to reserve on short notice.
The date is:

The meeting schedule is as follows:
  12:30 - 13:00 PST  Hamburgers for the attendees
  13:00 - 17:00 PST  Meeting discussions

Please contact me (by Friday) if you wish to have
teleconferencing facilities, which I will then arrange
call-in facilities based on the number RSVPs.

A door prize will be given to one of those attending,
who can also answer the riddle of:
  1) Which of "South" or "Court" can be abbreviated?
  2) Why?


David V. James
3180 South Ct
Palo Alto, CA 94306
Home: +1.650.494.0926
Cell: +1.650.954.6906
Fax:  +1.360.242.5508

-----Original Message-----
From: Thomas Dineen []
Sent: Monday, February 21, 2005 4:30 PM
To: Thomas Dineen
Cc: Michael D. Johas Teener; David James; Tom Mathey, Gail McCoy; George
Subject: Draft Agenda For Meeting


   Please note this is just a draft and not met to be in any way
exclusionary. Feel free to suggest additional items.

    Lets consider starting the meeting at 1:00 PM,
working through early evening, and then adjourning
to Fish Market for Beer and Dinner?

    Also feel free to expand the email scope of invitees.

1) Review Of Draft Presentations
     - Subscription Protocol
     - Time Distribution Protocol
     - Queuing Protocol

2) Review Of Terminology
     - Presentations?
     - Issues?

3) Review Of Architecture Proposals
     - Presentations? Anyone?
     - Discussion Of Architectural Concepts from any and all attendees.
     - I will attempt to capture the various concepts in a presentation
       of the various competing Ideas.

4) Discussion of the 802.3 versus 802.1 work split.

5) Other Issues?

Thomas Dineen



fn:Richard Brand
tel;work:(408) 495 2462