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Re: [RE] IEEE 802.3 Residential Ethernet Study Group - March Meeting

Hanover (C I think).  It is on the hotel meeting list.  Two levels down
from the lobby near the base of the escallators on the Attrium side (not
under the International tower).


-----Original Message-----
From: owner-stds-802-3-re@IEEE.ORG [mailto:owner-stds-802-3-re@IEEE.ORG]
On Behalf Of Kevin Brown
Sent: Sunday, March 13, 2005 7:25 AM
Subject: Re: [RE] IEEE 802.3 Residential Ethernet Study Group - March

Anyone know the room location?


-----Original Message-----
From: []
Behalf Of Michael Johas Teener
Sent: Wednesday, March 09, 2005 12:54 PM
Subject: Re: [RE] IEEE 802.3 Residential Ethernet Study Group - March

The ResE SG meeting on Sunday, March 13, will start at 11AM and finish
5PM. This meeting is largely to review and touch-up the presentations
for the
tutorial on Monday evening. The main work of the SG will take place on
Tue/Wed/Thu meetings.

On 3/9/05 11:14 AM, "Pat Thaler" <pat_thaler@AGILENT.COM> wrote:

> Which half of Sunday will you be meeting? I think you need to announce
> a start time.
> Regards,
> Pat
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> []On Behalf Of Steve Carlson
> Sent: Monday, 07 March, 2005 11:00 PM
> To:
> Subject: [RE] IEEE 802.3 Residential Ethernet Study Group - March
> Meeting
> Colleagues,
> The next meeting of the IEEE 802.3 Residential Ethernet Study Group
> will be an 1/2 day interim meeting on Sunday, March 13, prior to the
> 802 March Plenary meeting in Atlanta, GA. The RESG will meet Tuesday,
> Wednesday, and Thursday morning, March 17, 2005. The 802.3 Working
> Group will meet Monday, March 14 form PM to 5PM, and Thursday, March
2005, from 1PM to 5PM.
> The RESG will be presenting a tutorial to 802 on Monday evening from
> 6:30 - 8:00PM.
> Requesting Presentation Time
> Presenters shall request time by 5PM Pacific time on Thursday, March
> 10, 2005.
> Requests shall be submitted to the Chair.
> The presenter shall provide the following information:
> Name of presenter
> Title of presentation
> Length of time requested(30 minutes maximum, unless special
> arrangements have been made with the Chair. This should include time
> for questions and
> answers)
> If the "requesting presentation time" deadline is missed, time will be
> provided on a best-effort basis following the completion of the
> regular agenda (or as deemed appropriate by the chair).
> Presentation Submission
> It is highly recommended a PDF, soft-copy version of the presentation
> be emailed to the Chair by Friday, March 11, 2005.
> If the presentation submission deadlines are missed, the presenter
> will be allowed to present only if electronic copies or hard copies of
> the presentation are made available to the group at the beginning of
> the meeting and the group approves the addition of the presentation to
> Presentations shall be available to the group a minimum of 24 hours
> before a motion can be made on any material contained within the
> Presentation Style Guidelines
> Failure to meet guidelines may result in a loss of requested
> presentation time.
> Presentations must be submitted in PDF format.  Neither the chair nor
> the Web Master will convert presentations to PDF format.
> Presentations not in PDF format will be returned.
> Avoid graphic intensive backgrounds or other decorative graphics.
> No animations, audio clips, video clips, etc.
> Presentation should be less then 1.4 MB.
> No marketing pitches, product pitches or corporate pitches.
> No pricing, costs, ASPs, etc. are permitted.  Relative costs, ASPs,
> etc. are permitted (i.e. option 1 is 3x the cost of option 2).
> No company copyright or confidentiality statements.  All presentations
> are posted to a publicly available web site.  If the presentation is
> not ready for public disclosure, then it should not presented.
> To support the web site search tool used by the IEEE P802.3 web site
> the 'Document Information' fields of the PDF file must be completed as
> Title :- Title of presentation
> Subject :- IEEE 802.3 Residential Ethernet Study Group Author :-
> Name(s) of author(s) Document Information Fields The 'Document
> Information' fields in a PDF file can be entered as follows:
> Adobe Acrobat: Either use the menu options: 'File' -> 'Document Info'
> -> 'General' or the shortcut CTRL-D.
> Adobe PDFWriter: When the 'Save PDF File As' dialog appears hit the
> 'Edit Document Info.' button, enter the information, and then hit the
> Please contact me if you have any questions.
> Regards,
> Steve
> Steven B. Carlson
> Executive Secretary, IEEE 802.3 Working Group Chair, Residential
> Ethernet Study Group
> President
> High Speed Design, Inc.
> 11929 NW Old Quarry Road
> Portland, OR 97229
> 503.626.4206

         Michael D. Johas Teener < - PGP ID 0x3179D202
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